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Cool Cars in Gifu

Cool Cars in Gifu
At first I thought this was a Triumph but actually it`s a Honda S800 (1966-70). I think it`s the first one I`ve ever seen. It was outside Gifu Teragoya yesterday so I went to take a photo. First I took a photo from the front, then... I didn`t get a chance to take any more photos because the owner came, got in, revved the engine noisily to impress me, then drove away.


- First... = まず...
- The first... = さいしょの... 
- At first... = さいしょは...

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Commented by Taiki
Posted at 2014-07-07 18:17

What does the owner look like??? 
It's hard to keep old car in Japan. 
One of the reazon is our registration system, 
and other one, 
We live in Jap-size house.

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Teragoya Otto
Commented by Teragoya Otto
Posted at 2014-07-22 02:40

Actually, he looked a little like a gangster, but he looked happy that I was interested in his car. Not angry. Luckily.

Yes - unfortunately the Japanese registration system makes it expensive to maintain classic cars. The system (and space for parking) is very different in Australia.

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