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Cool Cars in Ichinomiya #22

Cool Cars in Ichinomiya #22
On the way (途中に) to Ichinomiya Teragoya today I saw this old Porsche. Of course I didn`t take this photo while I was actually driving; I was stopped at a red light. I`m a safe driver.

By the way, you know that a big typhoon is on the way, don`t you? Are you ready?


- `ON the way` = 途中, but `IN the way` = 邪魔, so:
"Hey, you`re in the way - I can`t see the whiteboard!"


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Taiki M.
Commented by Taiki M.
Posted at 2014-10-14 16:26

After reading this Blogu, 
I checked my dictionary 「WAY」 
I found 
there are so many phrases uesing way. 
You are a safe driver aren't you? 
so am I 
While I drive, I usually do 
make way for other driver 
give way to other driver

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Are you sure you want to remove the following comment?
Hi, OTTO After reading this Blogu, I checked my dictionary 「WAY」 I found there are so many phrases uesing way. You are a safe driver aren't you? so am I While I drive, I usually do make way for other driver give way to other driver

Teragoya Otto
Commented by Teragoya Otto
Posted at 2014-10-14 22:39

Right - `way` has heaps of meanings & uses. A Teragoya student who spent time in America sometimes says "It was way cool", meaning it was very cool.

I`m not a good driver, but I drive carefully. I just finished a book about motorcycle riding. The author says "I recommend adopting the attitude that every single person on the road is a sociopathic serial killer who has just escaped from an asylum for the criminally insane." Good advice!

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