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  • Hungry Caterpillar Stamps

Hungry Caterpillar Stamps

Hungry Caterpillar Stamps
I found this cool stamp sheet on sale at the post office. This story is pretty famous. In Japanese, it`s called "はらぺこあおむし.” In English it`s "The Very Hungry Caterpillar." I have both English & Japanese versions at home.

In this story, a caterpillar eats a lot of food, becomes fat, makes a coccoon, & finally becomes a beautiful butterfly. But you shouldn`t follow the caterpillar`s example. If you do, you`ll become fat but you won`t become a butterfly. You`ll increase your chances of getting health problems, for example heart disease, osteoarthritis, & type-2 diabetes. Finally, you`ll die early.

- example = 例え, 実例
- for example = 例えば

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