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Japanese Creek Animals

Japanese Creek Animals
The creek near my house is not very pretty to look at, but even in winter, you can see a variety of birds & animals there, which makes it interesting to me. Today I decided to take photos of them to show you.

As you can see, there are LOTS of turtles in the creek, but most of them are red-eared sliders, which are not native to Japan.

Nutria are not native to Japan either. They are originally from South America, but were brought to Japan & farmed for their fur. I read that they are a big problem in Tottori Prefecture, so the local government there pays \2000 for each one killed. Hmmm... I think I just decided my next holiday destination!

Are you familiar with the animals in these pictures? Have you ever seen a Nutria? Do you or your parents own any Nutria-fur items? Would you like to go to Tottori with me & make some fast money?

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Commented by michiko
Posted at 2011-03-04 03:50

I see ducks in Nikkou River near my house. They are swimming in a row. Herons or egrets are sometimes standing on a bank. I've not seen a nutria.
Actually, my sister has kept a green-shelled young of the red-eared turtle that I can meet in the Bon festival and New Year, in that time she brings it to my parents' house.

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Are you sure you want to remove the following comment?
I see ducks in Nikkou River near my house. They are swimming in a row. Herons or egrets are sometimes standing on a bank. I've not seen a nutria. Actually, my sister has kept a green-shelled young of the red-eared turtle that I can meet in the Bon festival and New Year, in that time she brings it to my parents' house.

Teragoya Otto
Commented by Teragoya Otto
Posted at 2011-03-04 18:19

Yes - red-eared sliders are very popular as pets, but when they get too big, or their owners just don`t want them anymore, they often release them into waterways. This is not good for native turtle species... So tell your sister not to release her turtle!

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