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Cool Caravans in Ichinomiya

Cool Caravans in Ichinomiya
These caravans are soooo retro & cool. I`m not sure if they`re for sale or not - there is a company sign nearby (`American Trailer Develop` - you can see it in the bottom right photograph, under the horse). However, I first noticed them a few years ago, and nobody seems to have bought any. Maybe they`re a private collection? Nice hobby!

The number plates are interesting too; `South Carolina`, `California` & a frame with `Have Fun Squaredancing` on it - haha!

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Commented by michiko
Posted at 2011-05-12 22:59

Does any American people live in that? Are they a kind of trailer? At first I thought that they were trains. Do you want to live it if you would buy it?
Anyway they are more cool if they would have propellers.

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Teragoya Otto
Commented by Teragoya Otto
Posted at 2011-05-13 16:43

In Australia, some people live in caravans/trailers, but usually they are used for travelling holidays.
I would LOVE to live in one like these cool retro ones.
I think sometimes my wife wishes I lived in one too...

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