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オビヒトリ (Spilarctia subcarnea) Moth

オビヒトリ (Spilarct...
Look at this cool moth. I saw it on the station platform today. A station attendant watched me while I was taking a photo of it. He probably thought, “Strange foreigner...” Lol. I don`t mind.

See, look at, watch の使い方はちょっと違います.
- See: 見かける感じ
- Look at: (ちゃんと/じっと)眺める, 見る感じ
- Watch: 動いているものを、しばらく見る感じ
#昆虫 #虫

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Halloween Guest

Halloween Guest
Just in time for Halloween, I found this small orange moth in my classroom. The pattern & contrasting colors are nice, aren`t they? This week my school is celebrating Halloween by giving candy to students who say 'trick or treat' to staff. (In contrast, if I say 'trick or treat' to staff, they tell me to go back to work. It`s not fair.)

Maybe it`s a Light-ribboned Wave moth (Leptostales rubromarginaria), but I`m not sure.

contrasting = 対比的
In contrast, = それに引き替え
(It`s) not fair = ずるい

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Carpenter Bee

Carpenter Bee
Do you like The Carpenters? How about carpenter bees? I found this one pollinating my lime tree. I hope the chickens don`t eat it.

pollen = 花粉
pollinate = 受粉する
花粉症 (pollen allergy) = hayfever
#動物 #昆虫 #虫

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Common Copper

Common Copper
I`ve seen a couple of these small butterflies in the last couple of days. In English, it`s called a Common Copper*. It`s on a yellow rapeseed flower (菜の花).

* copper (Cu) = 銅

- 'A couple of ___s' = 2 or 3 ___s
#昆虫 #花 #虫

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Fly Away, Butterfly

Fly Away, Butterfly
Last summer I found a chrysalis & kept it ...& kept it ...& kept it, all winter. I wondered if it was okay... Finally, this week a common swallowtail butterfly came out. After a while drying in the sun, it flew off. Bye bye, butterfly!

- birds, butterflies etc: fly off/away
- people, legged animals, etc.: run off/away
- fish, mermaids, etc.: swim off/away
#動物 #昆虫 #虫

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Magical Miyako Island

Magical Miyako Island
Last week I visited Miyako Island with my family. We spent a lot of time in the water; my kids enjoyed playing in their swim rings (浮き輪) & I enjoyed snorkeling. I saw a lot of colorful small fish, but not many big fish. We also collected a lot of shells. I`m thinking of making (作るうと思う) something with them for our school`s craft event in September.

The weather was good - a lot of sunshine & not much rain. As for food, I ate a lot of Okinawa-style noodles, & of course drank a lot of Orion beer. I had a lot of fun.

Natural English:
- In spoken English, it`s usual to use 'many' (with 可算名詞) & 'much' (with 不可算名詞 ) in negative ('not') sentences & questions. BUT! in positive sentences - 可算名詞 OR 不可算名詞 - it`s usual to use 'a lot of', or 'lots of' (casual style) in spoken English.
#動物 #旅行 #虫

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When I went camping last week I saw this cicada (蝉) which had just come out of its shell. Nice colour, isn`t it? But after a few hours it turned brown, and then flew away.

U.S.: si-kay-da U.K./Australia: si-kar-da
#動物 #虫

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