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PSPINC will help your business thrive by providing for all of your technology needs. We offer a wide array of products, including Web & Email Hosting, Website Design, Custom Development, Email Marketing, a number of additional business tools, technical support, and so much more. Visit to learn more.

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How to keep users coming back to your website

How to keep users coming ba...
Attracting new visitors to your website is important, but also important is giving users a reason to continue to visit your website. In order to gain a following for your website, it’s important that you are offering value. Determining that value will vary from website to website based on its purpose.

Below are a few ways that you can keep users coming back to your website.

Offer weekly pricing and promotions

If your website exists to support a retail location or you sell online and have unique promo codes, this is an easy way to keep people coming back. If the only way for them to get discounted pricing is to visit your website, you have added value.

Write useful blogs about related areas of expertise

When you regularly blog about areas relevant to your business you are providing a useful resource for customers. Be it handyman solutions, tech tips (as is our case), or any number of things - knowledge is power. Giving that power to your customers is added value for your website.

It is also important to create “evergreen content” when you are creating blog content. “Evergreen content” is content that doesn’t become outdated with time. It’s fine to blog about topical information, but just be sure to also add a regular mix of “evergreen content” that people are likely to search for on search engines. This will help you gain some organic search traffic, which contributes to that ‘new visitor’ traffic. Which you will then work on converting into returning traffic - right?

Build your social media following

Keeping people coming back to your website is one thing, but people habitually visit social media daily (even hourly). Think of your social media following a bit like a customer database, and your corporate page as a way of reaching those customers. Posting important information and links to your website on social media allows you to be seen even when they aren’t on your website.

Now which social media platforms to use will vary depending on your business, and the types of customers your business caters to. Find out where on social media your customers spend their free time and focus on those platforms.


Those are just a few ways to get more traffic to your website. There are likely many others that are more niche towards your business or website purpose. If you have any questions or want to consult with us on specific actions for your business you can call us toll-free at 1-800-232-3989 or contact us online.

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.

1404 140th Place N.E., Bellevue, WA 98007

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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. is headquartered in Bellevue, Washington and provides domain, web, and email hosting to more than 40,000 companies of all sizes around the world. We design and develop our own software and are committed to helping businesses of all sizes grow and thrive online. For more information you can contact us at 800-232-3989, by email at or visit us online at
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PSPinc What's New Vol.4

PSPinc What's New Vol.4

Hello, this is Ken Uchikura from Tokyo. Yes, I am on a business trip to Tokyo. I left Seattle yesterday on a direct flight to Tokyo/Narita on a Japan Airlines flight. I used to fly JAL many years ago but they stopped flying to Seattle so I moved to Northwest Airlines which is now DELTA. For a few years, I used Air Canada and Asiana Airlines but both do not have direct flights to Tokyo. This is the first time I have flown JAL in many years. I found a way to save money on JAL Business Class to Japan. If you are interested, please email me and I will tell you my secret.

Sorry for the long introduction. Today I would like to talk to you about InforMakers. This is software we created to help our customers create custom web forms for their web sites. This is the software we used to create contact forms on many websites. It is easy-to-use and is very secure. If you are a Dreamersi web hosting customer, InforMakers is already a part of your system. You can create your own custom web form or you can ask us to build one for you quickly and inexpensively.

If you are not a Dreamersi customer, InforMakers is available as a SaaS (Software as a Service) to you as well. If you would like to know more about web form creation and operation, please contact us. We would be happy to help make your web site interactive.

Inquiry about InforMakers
Telephone: 1-800-232-3989 or 1-425-957-0808

Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
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Presenting at the first SEA Luncheon of 2020

Presenting at the first SEA Lu... Presenting at the first SEA Lu...
Today Mayumi Nakamura, Director of Business Development, was one of the chosen presenters for the first Seattle Executives Association meeting of 2020.

She spoke about some of our successful deployments of websites, web servers and mobile applications we have made recently.

As a part of her presentation she also discussed and credited other Seattle Executives Companies that have, and continue to contribute to PSPinc’s success.

We are excited for what 2020 has in store - stay tuned!
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Your Website: The Look and Feel

Your Website: The Look and F...
The look and feel of a website tells you a lot about a company. If you visit a website with a bunch of text, low-resolution images, too many ads or pop-ups, what kind of impression does it give you? You might start to feel like the whole thing is spam, or low-budget – and all of that reflects back on the business. Your website is your first impression for most, so make it a good one.

First things first, image quality needs to be light, bright, clear and professional. If you are using your own photos, the subject should be back-lit. Watch for shadows or unnecessary things in the background of your pictures. Don’t use any pictures that come out grainy or pixelated.

Consider using stock images for free or for a small price. If you have specific things that need to be photographed, it might be worth hiring a professional photographer to do the job. It’s said ‘a picture is worth a thousand words,’ and if that’s true, well, depending on its quality, a picture can really sell something or turn people off.

Keep plenty of white space within your site. Don’t over-clutter with images or banner ads. Don’t have too much tiny text. If someone needs to put on readers to read your content, you’re doing it wrong. And finally, pick one or two easy-to-read fonts you can use throughout your site.

Just remember, keep it simple, keep it organized, and if at the end it feels like a site you would feel comfortable browsing, you’ve succeeded. Stay with us for a few more final tips next week.
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Your Website: Smart Functionality

Your Website: Smart Functional...
Whether you’re starting to design a website from scratch or considering improvements to what you have, think about websites you like to visit. What kind of website looks professional to you? What kind of website makes you feel comfortable and secure?

The first thing to consider is your domain. Is your URL address easy to remember? Is it easy to spell? Avoid a domain name with too many words and try to avoid hyphens altogether. A good rule of thumb to remember: if you tell someone to visit your domain and they can’t write it down, is it simple enough for them to recall from memory?

Keep your navigation menu as simple as possible. It looks cleaner, organized and professional. Remember to have contact information easily visible, but links to your blog, store hours or testimonials can be placed at the footer of your site.

Today, many people are searching and shopping on their devices, so it’s more critical than ever to have a mobile-responsive website design. This is where your website adapts to the screen size on which it’s viewed. Make sure all your links and forms are working in all versions of your site.

Finally, we recommend having an “About” section that tells a brief history and shares your company values or mission statement, so your customers can gain more trust in you by having a better understanding of who you are.
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5 Tips for Responsive Websites

image source: image source:
If you’re in the position to have a responsive website designed for your business, here are 5 things to consider that will make it worthwhile.

1. Minimize

A website that is displayed on a mobile device has a smaller screen and less real estate than a desktop monitor. Look over each of your pages and decide what information is absolutely necessary. Design your pages with minimal content to keep them from appearing too busy and messy.

2. Hide Content

Another useful technique for minimizing the amount of content on a single page is to hide it. You can do this by simply deleting content or by using dropdown buttons that expand text or images.

3. Scalable Images and Graphics

Visiting mobile websites with extra large or too tiny images can be frustrating. If possible, use a responsive image or graphic that can respond to the screen size. If you can’t, or don’t know how to make an image responsive, try using two different sized images for desktop and mobile.

4. Clickable Buttons

Take a few minutes to think about the layout of your website. Are the buttons displayed large enough on mobile? Is it hard to click on a link, image, or button with your thumbs? Give users plenty of space in-between clickable objects.

5. Fonts

Fonts go hand-in-hand with creating clickable buttons. Because of the smaller screen you should consider how your fonts would be displayed on mobile devices. Clear and easy to read fonts will be greatly appreciated by your site visitors.

Bonus Tip:

When users browse your website on mobile devices they have different features than when they browse on their desktop. The main one being that they can make calls directly from websites.

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Overview of Content Management Systems (CMS)

Overview of Content Manageme...
What is a CMS?

A content management system, or CMS, is a software application designed to add, edit, and delete digital content – usually associated with a website.

For instance, our CMS is called WebdeXpress and it allows you to add pages to your website, edit text and image content, update your blog, add plugins, and manage your website settings.

The nice thing about content management systems is that they let you edit the content of your website separate from the design. WebdeXpress offers professional templates that make it easy to continually update and change content without messing around with the design.

Most CMS are great for SEO because they give you the ability to customize your page titles, URLs, image names, metadata and more, which help with your search engine ranking. Plugins are another feature that can help with design, content, or SEO by letting you expand the functionality of a CMS with third-party tools.

WebdeXpress and Wordpress are both considered a CMS but have very different levels of usability. WebdeXpress is very easy to use for people without web design or coding experience. Wordpress offers a lot of plugins and themes but can be very difficult to learn and is often hard to keep updated with each new security patch.

When looking at a CMS you should consider your website and management needs along with your skill level. If you have questions regarding WebdeXpress you can call us at 800-232-3989 or email
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