Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 269 日本旅行時に使える日本語の基本フレーズ(にほんりょこうじにつかえるにほんごのきほんフレーズ)

Japanese Online...

1. あいさつ
- こんにちは (Konnichiwa)
- おはようございます (Ohayou gozaimasu)
- こんばんは (Konbanwa) 
- ありがとうございます (Arigatou gozaimasu)
- すみません (Sumimasen) : ()びかけや謝罪(しゃざい)使(つか)えます
- ごめんなさい (Gomen nasai) : (あやま)(とき)
- はじめまして (Hajimemashite): 初対面(しょたいめん)挨拶(あいさつ)
- さようなら (Sayounara) : (わか)れの挨拶(あいさつ)

2. レストラン・カフェで使(つか)えるフレーズ
- メニューをください (Menyuu wo kudasai)
- これをください (Kore wo kudasai) : 指差(ゆびさし)しながら注文(ちゅうもん)するとき
- おすすめは(なん)ですか? (Osusume wa nan desu ka?)
- お(みず)をください (Omizu wo kudasai)
- お会計(かいけい)をお(ねが)いします (Okaikei wo onegaishimasu)
- ごちそうさまでした (Gochisousama deshita) : 食事(しょくじ)()

3. ()(もの)使(つか)えるフレーズ
- いくらですか? (Ikura desu ka?)
- 〇〇はありますか? (〇〇 wa arimasu ka?) 
- クレジットカードは使(つか)えますか? (Kurejitto kaado wa tsukaemasu ka?)
- (ふくろ)はいりません (Fukuro wa irimasen): エコバッグ利用(りよう)()
- 試着(しちゃく)できますか? (Shichaku dekimasu ka?)
- もう(すこ)(やす)くなりますか? (Mou sukoshi yasuku narimasu ka?)

4. 交通(こうつう)機関(きかん)使(つか)えるフレーズ
- 〇〇へ()きたいです (〇〇 e ikitai desu)
- この電車(でんしゃ)は〇〇へ()きますか? (Kono densha wa 〇〇 e ikimasu ka?)
- 切符(きっぷ)をください (Kippu wo kudasai)
- どの出口(でぐち)ですか? (Dono deguchi desu ka?)
- タクシーを()んでください (Takushii wo yonde kudasai)

5. ホテルで使(つか)えるフレーズ
- チェックインをお(ねが)いします (Chekkuin wo onegaishimasu)
- チェックアウトは何時(なんじ)ですか? (Chekkuauto wa nanji desu ka?)
- Wi-Fiはありますか? (Wi-Fi wa arimasu ka?)
- 荷物(にもつ)(あず)かってもらえますか? (Nimotsu wo azukatte moraemasu ka?)

6. 緊急時(きんきゅうじ)使(つか)えるフレーズ
- (たす)けてください! (Tasukete kudasai!)
- 病院(びょういん)はどこですか? (Byouin wa doko desu ka?)
- 警察(けいさつ)()んでください (Keisatsu wo yonde kudasai)
- (みち)(まよ)いました (Michi ni mayoimashita)
- 英語(えいご)(はな)せますか? (Eigo wo hanasemasu ka?)

Basic Japanese Phrases for Traveling in Japan
Here are some essential Japanese phrases that will be useful during your trip to Japan. Learning these phrases will help you navigate different situations and make your travel experience smoother and more enjoyable. Memorize these phrases and make the most of your trip!

1. Greetings
  • Konnichiwa (Hello)
  • Ohayou gozaimasu (Good morning)
  • Konbanwa (Good evening)
  • Arigatou gozaimasu (Thank you)
  • Sumimasen (Excuse me / Sorry) to call attention or apologize
  • Gomen nasai (I'm sorry) for apologizing
  • Hajimemashite (Nice to meet you) when meeting someone for the first time
  • Sayounara (Goodbye)
2. Phrases for Restaurants & Cafés
  • Menyuu wo kudasai (Please give me the menu)
  • Kore wo kudasai (I’ll have this) while pointing at an item
  • Osusume wa nan desu ka? (What do you recommend?)
  • Omizu wo kudasai (Can I have some water, please?)
  • Okaikei wo onegaishimasu (Check, please)
  • Gochisousama deshita (Thank you for the meal) after eating
3. Phrases for Shopping
  • Ikura desu ka? (How much is this?)
  • 〇〇 wa arimasu ka? (Do you have 〇〇?)
  • Kurejitto kaado wa tsukaemasu ka? (Can I use a credit card?)
  • Fukuro wa irimasen (I don’t need a bag) when using a reusable bag
  • Shichaku dekimasu ka? (Can I try this on?)
  • Mou sukoshi yasuku narimasu ka? (Can you give me a discount?)
4. Phrases for Public Transportation
  • 〇〇 e ikitai desu (I want to go to 〇〇)
  • Kono densha wa 〇〇 e ikimasu ka? (Does this train go to 〇〇?)
  • Kippu wo kudasai (One ticket, please)
  • Dono deguchi desu ka? (Which exit should I take?)
  • Takushii wo yonde kudasai (Please call a taxi)
5. Phrases for Hotels
  • Chekkuin wo onegaishimasu (I’d like to check in)
  • Chekkuauto wa nanji desu ka? (What time is check-out?)
  • Wi-Fi wa arimasu ka? (Do you have Wi-Fi?)
  • Nimotsu wo azukatte moraemasu ka? (Can you store my luggage?)
6. Phrases for Emergencies
  • Tasukete kudasai! (Help!)
  • Byouin wa doko desu ka? (Where is the hospital?)
  • Keisatsu wo yonde kudasai (Please call the police)
  • Michi ni mayoimashita (I’m lost)
  • Eigo wo hanasemasu ka? (Do you speak English?)
Using these phrases will make your trip to Japan more enjoyable and stress-free. Try them out and make the most of your visit to Japan!

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 268 日本渡航時の持ち込み制限についてのご案内(にほんとこうじのもちこみせいげんについてのごあんない)

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1. ()()みが禁止(きんし)制限(せいげん)される食品(しょくひん)
- 肉製品(にくせいひん) (ジャーキー、ハム、ソーセージ、レトルト食品(しょくひん)(ふく)む)
- 乳製品(にゅうせいひん) (バター、チーズ、ヨーグルト、ミルク)
- 生鮮(せいせん)食品(しょくひん) (野菜(やさい)果物(くだもの)(たね)、ナッツ(るい))
- 生卵(なまたまご)

- 加工(かこう)食品(しょくひん) (レトルト食品(しょくひん)缶詰(かんづめ)、インスタント食品(しょくひん)) ((にく)乳製品(にゅうせいひん)(ふく)まれないもの)
- 市販(しはん)のお菓子(かし) (チョコレート、スナック(るい))
- アルコール (一人(ひとり)3(ぼん)まで免税(めんぜい)、それ以上(いじょう)課税(かぜい))

2. ()()みが禁止(きんし)制限(せいげん)される(くすり)
- 覚醒剤(かくせいざい)向精神薬(こうせいしんやく) (ADHD治療薬(ちりょうやく)アデロールなど)
- 麻薬(まやく)・コデイン(けい)薬剤(やくざい) (モルヒネ、オキシコドン、フェンタニル)
- CBDオイル、ヘンプ製品(せいひん)
- 一部(いちぶ)(こう)うつ(ざい)睡眠薬(すいみんやく)

- 処方薬(しょほうやく) → 1か(げつ)以上(いじょう)(ぶん)は「薬監証明(やっかんしょうめい)」が必要(ひつよう)
- 市販薬(しはんやく) (OTC(やく)) → 2か(げつ)(ぶん)までは申告(しんこく)不要(ふよう)
- ビタミンサプリメント → ()()()

3. ()()める現金(げんきん)条件(じょうけん)
- 100(まん)(えん)以上(いじょう)現金(げんきん)()()場合(ばあい)税関(ぜいかん)申告(しんこく)必要(ひつよう)
- クレジットカードは制限(せいげん)なし(ただし日本(にほん)では使用(しよう)できない店舗(てんぽ)もあるため、現金(げんきん)持参(じさん)推奨(すいしょう)

- (にく)乳製品(にゅうせいひん)生鮮(せいせん)食品(しょくひん)生卵(なまたまご)
- 覚醒剤(かくせいざい)向精神薬(こうせいしんやく)・CBDオイルなど
- 100(まん)(えん)以上(いじょう)現金(げんきん) (申告(しんこく)なしの場合(ばあい))

処方薬(しょほうやく) (1か(げつ)以上(いじょう))・アルコール (3(ぼん)以上(いじょう))・100(まん)(えん)以上(いじょう)現金(げんきん)

- 市販(しはん)のお菓子(かし)・レトルト食品(しょくひん)・ビタミンサプリ・市販薬(しはんやく) (2か(げつ)(ぶん)まで)
- クレジットカード・100(まん)(えん)未満(みまん)現金(げんきん)

Guidelines on Carry-On Restrictions When Traveling to Japan
This guide provides important information on bringing food, medicine, and cash when traveling from the U.S. to Japan. Be sure to check these regulations in advance for a smooth entry into the country!
1. Prohibited & Restricted Food Items
Prohibited Items
- Meat products (including jerky, ham, sausages, and retort-packaged foods)
- Dairy products (butter, cheese, yogurt, milk)
- Fresh produce (vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts)
- Raw eggs
Allowed but Require Declaration
- Processed foods (retort-packaged foods, canned goods, instant foods) (must not contain meat or dairy)
- Commercially packaged snacks (chocolates, chips, etc.)
- Alcohol (up to 3 bottles duty-free; anything beyond is taxable)
2. Prohibited & Restricted Medications
Prohibited Items
- Stimulants & psychotropic drugs (e.g., ADHD medication Adderall)
- Narcotics & codeine-based drugs (e.g., morphine, oxycodone, fentanyl)
- CBD oil & hemp-derived products
- Certain antidepressants & sleeping pills
Items Requiring Approval
- Prescription medication → A Yakkan Shoumei (import certificate) is required for more than a 1-month supply
- Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs → Up to a 2-month supply is allowed without declaration
- Vitamin supplements → Allowed without restrictions
3. Carrying Cash to Japan
- Bringing ¥1,000,000 (approx. $7,000) or more in cash requires customs declaration
- Credit cards have no restrictions (but cash is recommended as some stores in Japan do not accept cards)
Prohibited Items
- Meat, dairy, fresh produce, raw eggs
- Stimulants, psychotropic drugs, CBD oil
- ¥1,000,000+ in cash (if undeclared)
Items Requiring Declaration
- Prescription medication (over 1-month supply)
- Alcohol (over 3 bottles)
- ¥1,000,000+ in cash
Allowed Items
- Commercially packaged snacks, retort foods, vitamin supplements, OTC medicine (up to 2 months' supply)
- Credit cards, cash below ¥1,000,000
Make sure to prepare in advance and enjoy a smooth trip to Japan!

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 267 Visit Japan Web

Japanese Online Newsletter Vol...

「Visit Japan Web」は、日本(にほん)への入国(にゅうこく)手続(てつづ)きをオンラインで事前(じぜん)(おこな)うことで、空港(くうこう)での手続(てつづ)きをスムーズにするサービスです。このサイトで、日本(にほん)国内(こくない)連絡(れんらく)(さき)登録(とうろく)税関(ぜいかん)申告(しんこく)事前(じぜん)()ませると、その証明(しょうめい)としてQRコードが発行(はっこう)されます。入国(にゅうこく)()にそのQRコードを提示(ていじ)すれば、スムーズに入国(にゅうこく)手続(てつづ)きが(すす)みます。(とく)日本(にほん)頻繁(ひんぱん)(おとず)れる(かた)は、登録(とうろく)した情報(じょうほう)()(かえ)利用(りよう)できるため、毎回(まいかい)手続(てつづ)きを(おこな)手間(てま)(はぶ)けます。


- 入国(にゅうこく)審査(しんさ): 外国籍(がいこくせき)(かた)は、事前(じぜん)情報(じょうほう)登録(とうろく)することで、入国(にゅうこく)審査(しんさ)円滑(えんかつ)になります。
- 税関(ぜいかん)申告(しんこく): 携帯(けいたい)(ひん)別送(べっそう)(ひん)申告(しんこく)をオンラインで事前(じぜん)(おこな)い、入国(にゅうこく)()にQRコードを提示(ていじ)することで迅速(じんそく)通過(つうか)できます。
- 免税(めんぜい)購入(こうにゅう): 2023(ねん)4(がつ)から、免税店(めんぜいてん)での購入(こうにゅう)()にパスポートの提示(ていじ)不要(ふよう)となり、QRコードで手続(てつづ)きが可能(かのう)になりました。


1. アカウント作成(さくせい): メールアドレスとパスワードを登録(とうろく)し、アカウントを作成(さくせい)します。
2. 利用者(りようしゃ)情報(じょうほう)登録(とうろく): パスポート情報(じょうほう)日本(にほん)での連絡(れんらく)(さき)など、必要(ひつよう)情報(じょうほう)入力(にゅうりょく)します。
3. 入国(にゅうこく)スケジュールの登録(とうろく): 日本(にほん)への到着(とうちゃく)()利用(りよう)する航空便(こうくうびん)情報(じょうほう)登録(とうろく)します。
4. 手続(てつづ)情報(じょうほう)登録(とうろく): 入国(にゅうこく)審査(しんさ)税関(ぜいかん)申告(しんこく)情報(じょうほう)事前(じぜん)入力(にゅうりょく)します。
5. QRコードの取得(しゅとく): 登録(とうろく)完了(かんりょう)すると、QRコードが発行(はっこう)されます。日本(にほん)入国(にゅうこく)()にこのコードを提示(ていじ)することで、手続(てつづ)きがスムーズに(すす)みます。


- 現在(げんざい)成田(なりた)空港(くうこう)羽田(はねだ)空港(くうこう)関西国際空港(かんさいこくさいくうこう)中部国際空港(ちゅうぶこくさいくうこう)福岡空港(ふくおかくうこう)新千歳空港(しんちとせくうこう)那覇空港(なはくうこう)の7つの空港(くうこう)利用(りよう)可能(かのう)です。
- (にせ)アプリに注意(ちゅうい): Visit Japan Webには公式(こうしき)のアプリは存在(そんざい)しません。アプリを(よそお)った(にせ)のソフトウェアが出回(でまわ)っているため、公式(こうしき)サイトからの登録(とうろく)をお(ねが)いします。

Visit Japan Webを活用(かつよう)することで、日本(にほん)への入国(にゅうこく)手続(てつづ)きを効率的(こうりつてき)(おこな)うことができます。事前(じぜん)登録(とうろく)()ませ、快適(かいてき)(たび)をお(たの)しみください。
Visit Japan Web
When entering Japan as a non-Japanese national, you must go through immigration and customs procedures, just like any other country. While you can complete these documents upon arrival, you can now register in advance through an official website to streamline the entry process. Below is an explanation of how this works.
"Visit Japan Web" is an online service that lets travelers complete entry procedures in advance, making the process at the airport smoother. By registering your contact details in Japan and submitting your customs declaration through this website, they’ll issue you a QR code as proof of registration. Presenting this QR code upon arrival facilitates a faster entry process. This service is especially convenient for frequent visitors to Japan, as they can reuse previously registered information, reducing the need to complete the same procedures repeatedly.
Main Features:
- Immigration Inspection: Foreign travelers can pre-register their information to expedite the immigration process.
- Customs Declaration: Travelers can complete declarations for carried and separately shipped items in advance, resulting in a quicker customs clearance by simply presenting the QR code.
- Tax-Free Shopping: Since April 2023, foreign travelers no longer need to present their passports at duty-free shops in Japan. Instead, they’ll process tax-free purchases using the QR code.
How to Use:
1. Create an Account: Register your email address and password to create an account.
2. Register User Information: Enter necessary details such as passport information and your contact details in Japan.
3. Register Travel Schedule: Input your arrival date and flight information.
4. Pre-register for Entry Procedures: Complete the immigration inspection and customs declaration in advance.
5. Obtain a QR Code: Once you complete the account registration, they’ll issue you a QR code. Present this code upon entry to facilitate a smooth process.
Important Notes:
- Currently, seven airports in Japan let foreigners use Visit Japan Web services: Narita Airport, Haneda Airport, Kansai International Airport, Chubu Centrair International Airport, Fukuoka Airport, New Chitose Airport, and Naha Airport.
- Beware of Fake Apps: Visit Japan Web does not have an official app. Be cautious of fraudulent applications and ensure that you register only through the official website.
By utilizing Visit Japan Web, you can efficiently complete entry procedures before arriving in Japan. Register in advance and enjoy a smooth and comfortable journey!

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 266 外国人が日本で受けられる医療システムについて(がいこくじんがにほんでうけられるいりょうシステムについて)

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1. 日本(にほん)医療(いりょう)制度(せいど)基本(きほん)

2. 短期(たんき)滞在(たいざい) (観光(かんこう)短期(たんき)出張(しゅっちょう)など) の場合(ばあい)

- 海外旅行(かいがいりょこう)保険(ほけん)加入(かにゅう)

- クレジットカード付帯(ふたい)保険(ほけん)確認(かくにん)

- 自由(じゆう)診療(しんりょう)注意点(ちゅういてん)
日本(にほん)公的(こうてき)医療(いりょう)保険(ほけん)()加入(かにゅう)場合(ばあい)診察(しんさつ)治療(ちりょう)にかかる費用(ひよう)全額(ぜんがく)自己(じこ)負担(ふたん) (100%) となります。

3. 長期(ちょうき)滞在(たいざい) (留学(りゅうがく)仕事(しごと)永住(えいじゅう)など) の場合(ばあい)

(1) 健康保険(けんこうほけん) (社会(しゃかい)保険(ほけん))
- 対象(たいしょう)企業(きぎょう)雇用(こよう)されている(かた) (正社員(せいしゃいん)契約(けいやく)社員(しゃいん)など)
- 加入(かにゅう)方法(ほうほう)勤務(きんむ)(さき)会社(かいしゃ)手続(てつづ)きを(おこな)います。
- 特徴(とくちょう)保険(ほけん)(りょう)給与(きゅうよ)から天引(てんび)きされ、医療(いりょう)()自己(じこ)負担(ふたん)は30%となります。

(2) 国民(こくみん)健康保険(けんこうほけん) (国保(こくほ))
- 対象(たいしょう)健康(けんこう)保険(ほけん)加入(かにゅう)しない(かた) (自営(じえい)(ぎょう)留学生(りゅうがくせい)・フリーランスなど)
- 加入(かにゅう)方法(ほうほう)()んでいる市区町村(しくちょうそん)役所(やくしょ)申請(しんせい)(おこな)います。
- 特徴(とくちょう)保険(ほけん)(りょう)所得(しょとく)(おう)じて変動(へんどう)し、自己(じこ)負担(ふたん)(がく)は30%となります。

4. 外国人(がいこくじん)(かた)受診(じゅしん)できる病院(びょういん)

- 外国語(がいこくご)対応(たいおう)病院(びょういん)

- 国際(こくさい)医療(いりょう)センター

- オンライン診療(しんりょう)

5. 緊急時(きんきゅうじ)対応(たいおう)

- 救急車(きゅうきゅうしゃ) (119(ばん))

- 外国人(がいこくじん)()けの医療(いりょう)相談(そうだん)窓口(まどぐち)

 - 東京(とうきょう)外国人(がいこくじん)医療(いりょう)相談(そうだん)窓口(まどぐち) (03-5285-8181)
 - 大阪府(おおさかふ)外国人(がいこくじん)情報(じょうほう)コーナー (06-6941-2297)
 - AMDA国際(こくさい)医療(いりょう)情報(じょうほう)センター (03-6233-9266)

6. 医療(いりょう)()補助(ほじょ)制度(せいど)について

- 短期(たんき)滞在(たいざい)場合(ばあい)海外旅行(かいがいりょこう)保険(ほけん)加入(かにゅう)することを推奨(すいしょう)
- 長期(ちょうき)滞在(たいざい)場合(ばあい)公的(こうてき)医療(いりょう)保険(ほけん) (健康保険(けんこうほけん)または国民(こくみん)健康保険(けんこうほけん)) に加入(かにゅう)必要(ひつよう)
- 外国語(がいこくご)対応(たいおう)病院(びょういん)国際(こくさい)医療(いりょう)センターを活用(かつよう)
- 緊急時(きんきゅうじ)は119へ連絡(れんらく)各地(かくち)外国人(がいこくじん)()医療(いりょう)相談(そうだん)窓口(まどぐち)活用(かつよう)


Healthcare System Available to Foreigners in Japan
In this article, we will introduce the healthcare system that foreigners in Japan can access.
1. Basic Overview of Japan’s Healthcare System 
Japan has a universal health insurance system, meaning everyone has to enroll in a public health insurance plan. If foreigners meet certain conditions, they can also join them.
2. For Short-Term Stays (Tourism, Short Business Trips, etc.) 
If staying temporarily, foreigners cannot join Japan’s public health insurance. Therefore, the following options are recommended:
- Enroll in Overseas Travel Insurance
Since medical expenses in Japan can be quite high sometimes, enrolling in travel insurance before your trip may help provide peace of mind.
- Check if Your Credit Card Offers Insurance
Some credit cards offer insurance that covers medical costs abroad, so it's a good idea to check this in advance.
- Note on Self-Paid Medical Treatment
If not enrolled in Japan’s public health insurance, people must pay for 100% of all consultation and treatment costs.
3. For Long-Term Stays (Study, Work, Permanent Residency, etc.) 
Foreigners staying in Japan for over three months are required to join public health insurance.
(1) Health Insurance (Social Insurance)
- Eligible: Company employees (full-time employees, contract workers, etc.)
- How to join: The employers handle the process.
- Features: Individuals pay for 30% of all medical expenses out of pocket and insurance deducts premiums from their salary.
(2) National Health Insurance (National Health Insurance or "Kokuho")
- Eligible: Those not enrolled in health insurance (self-employed, students, freelancers, etc.)
- How to join: Apply at the local municipal office where you live.
- Features: Premiums vary depending on income, and individuals pay for 30% of all medical expenses out of pocket.
4. Hospitals Available to Foreigners 
Several hospitals and medical institutions in Japan offer services in foreign languages.
- Hospitals with Foreign Language Support
In major cities like Tokyo, Osaka, and Fukuoka, foreigners can find hospitals that provide English and other language services.
- International Medical Centers
Some hospitals have designated offices for foreigners and offer support in English.
- Online Medical Consultations
The number of services offering online consultations in foreign languages is growing, making it convenient for foreigners.
5. Emergency Response
- Ambulance (Dial 119)
Ambulance services in Japan are free of charge, but treatment at the hospital will incur a fee.
- Medical Consultation Hotlines for Foreigners
In case of emergencies or difficulty finding a hospital, you can use the following consultation services:
 - Tokyo Foreigners Medical Consultation Hotline (03-5285-8181)
 - Osaka Foreigners Information Corner (06-6941-2297)
 - AMDA International Medical Information Center (03-6233-9266)
6. Medical Expense Subsidy System 
Some municipalities offer medical expense subsidies for international students and individuals with certain residency statuses. Additionally, some schools provide health insurance systems for international students, so please contact the relevant municipal office or educational institution for details.
- For short-term stays: Enroll in overseas travel insurance as recommended.
- For long-term stays: Enrollment in public health insurance (Health Insurance or National Health Insurance) is required.
- Use hospitals with foreign language support or international medical centers.
- In emergencies, call 119 and use the foreigner-specific medical consultation services.
We hope this information helps you choose the appropriate healthcare system in case of an emergency during your stay in Japan.
Stay tuned for the next newsletter!

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 265 料理の時に使う動詞(りょうりのときにつかうどうし)

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1. (あら)う: wash
  - (れい): 野菜(やさい)(あら)ってください。
2. ()る: cut / slice
  - (れい): (たま)ねぎを(うす)()ります。
3. むく: peel
  - (れい): じゃがいもの(かわ)をむきます。
4. (きざ)む: chop / mince
  - (れい): にんにくを(こま)かく(きざ)みます。

5. ()る: simmer / boil in flavor
  - (れい): 弱火(よわび)で20(ぷん)()ます。
6. ()く: grill / bake / roast
  - (れい): (さかな)をこんがり()きます。
7. (いた)める: stir-fry / sauté
  - (れい): 野菜(やさい)強火(つよび)(いた)めます。
8. ()げる: deep-fry
  - (れい): 鶏肉(とりにく)(あぶら)()げます。
9. ()す: steam
  - (れい): (さかな)()してヘルシーに仕上(しあ)げます。

10. ()ぜる: mix / stir
  - (れい): 生地(きじ)をよく()ぜてください。
11. ()ける: soak / marinate
  - (れい): (にく)をタレに()けます。
12. ()りかける: sprinkle
  - (れい): (しお)(かる)()りかけます。
13. こす: strain / filter
  - (れい): スープをこしてなめらかにします。
14. ()やす: cool / chill
  - (れい): ゼリーを冷蔵(れいぞう)()()やします。

これらの動詞(どうし)(おぼ)えておくと、料理(りょうり)レシピをより簡単(かんたん)理解(りかい)できるようになります。 レシピを()むときや料理(りょうり)をする(さい)是非(ぜひ)活用(かつよう)ください!
Verbs People Use in Cooking
The following is a list of verbs Japanese people commonly use in cooking. They frequently use these terms in cooking recipes and conversations.
Basic Cooking Verbs
1. Wash (あらう / arau)
   - Example: Wash the vegetables.
2. Cut / slice (きる / kiru)
   - Example: Cut the onions into thin slices.
3. Peel (むく / muku)
   - Example: Peel the potatoes.
4. Chop / mince (きざむ / kizamu)
   - Example: Chop the garlic into small pieces.  
Verbs related to cooking methods
5. Simmer / boil in flavor (にる / niru)
   - Example: Simmer over low heat for 20 minutes.  
6. Grill / bake / roast (やく / yaku)
   - Example: Grill the fish.
7. Stir-fry / sauté (いためる / itameru)
   - Example: Stir-fry the vegetables over high heat.  
8. Deep-fry (あげる / ageru)
   - Example: Deep-fry the chicken.  
9. Steam (むす / musu)
   - Example: Steam the fish to make it healthier.  
Other Cooking Verbs
10. Mix / stir (まぜる / mazeru)
    - Example: Mix the dough well.  
11. Soak / marinate (つける / tsukeru)
    - Example: Marinate the meat in the sauce.  
12. Sprinkle (ふりかける / hurikakeru)
    - Example: Sprinkle it lightly with salt.
13. Strain / filter (こす / kosu)
    - Example: Strain the soup to make it smooth. 
14. Cool / chill (ひやす / hiyasu)
  - Example: Chill the jelly in the refrigerator.  
Remembering these verbs will help you understand cooking recipes more easily. We hope you use them when reading recipes and cooking!

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 264 日本各地の名物料理について(にほんかくちのめいぶつりょうりについて)

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Local Specialties from Various Regions in Japan
Today, we’d like to introduce you to some of the local specialties from around Japan.
Edomae Sushi: Traditional sushi made with fresh seafood.
Tempura: A deep-fried dish that some say originated in Asakusa. Sansada in Asakusa is famous as the oldest tempura restaurant in Japan.
Monjayaki: A type of flour-based food cooked on an iron plate, famous in Tsukishima.
Shumai: Shumai from Kiyo-ken is especially famous.
Chinatown Cuisine: Xiaolongbao and Chinese steamed buns that you can enjoy in Yokohama’s Chinatown.
Napolitan: A type of spaghetti that originated in Yokohama, influenced by Western cuisine.
Takoyaki: A flour-based dish with batter and octopus, known for its fluffy texture.
Okonomiyaki: A savory pancake dish seasoned with sauce and mayonnaise, cooked on a griddle.
Kushikatsu: Skewered and deep-fried food, often dipped in sauce.
Yudofu: A traditional tofu dish, particularly popular around Kiyomizu Temple and Arashiyama.
Kyoto Pickles: Pickles such as shibazuke and senmaizuke, which reflect the changing seasons.
Matcha Sweets: A wide variety of sweets made with Uji green tea.
Miso Katsu: A pork cutlet with a sweet and savory sauce made from Haccho miso.
Hitsumabushi: Chopped eel served over rice, which you can enjoy with broth.
Kishimen: A light, flat udon noodle dish.
Hakata Ramen: A Fukuoka specialty featuring thin noodles in a rich pork bone broth.
Motsunabe: A hot pot dish made with beef offal.
Mentaiko: Spicy cod roe, a specialty of Fukuoka.
Jibu-ni: A local dish made with duck meat and vegetables stewed in a thick broth.
Kanazawa Curry: A curry known for its thick, rich sauce.
Kaisen Don: A bowl of rice topped with fresh seafood from the Sea of Japan.
Genghis Khan: A dish of lamb grilled on a hot plate, unique to Hokkaido.
Seafood: Fresh seafood like crabs, sea urchins, and salmon roe.
Soup Curry: A spicy, hearty curry with plenty of vegetables.
Sapporo Ramen: A ramen dish featuring a miso-based soup.
All of these dishes are best enjoyed in their respective regions! Be sure to try the local specialties when you travel to Japan.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 263 5・7・5の日本語が持つ意味(5・7・5のにほんごがもついみ)

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1. 自然(しぜん)なリズム

2. 簡潔(かんけつ)さと凝縮(ぎょうしゅく)

3. 自然(しぜん)との調和(ちょうわ)

4. 文化的(ぶんかてき)歴史的(れきしてき)背景(はいけい)

5. 神社(じんじゃ)寺院(じいん)階段(かいだん)と5・7・5


6. 対話(たいわ)(あそ)びの形式(けいしき)

7. 普遍性(ふへんせい)(した)しみやすさ

The Meaning of 5-7-5 (Go-Shichi-Go) in Japanese
The "5-7-5" (5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables) is a traditional format Japanese people often use in haikus (short-form Japanese poetry). The 5-7-5 Japanese format holds deep significance in poetry, literature, and everyday life and culture, such as shrines and temple stairs. Below, we explain the meaning behind this format.
1. Natural Rhythm 
The Japanese language easily adopts rhythm on a syllabic level, and the 5 and 7 sound repetition creates a pleasant rhythm. This rhythm feels intuitively beautiful to Japanese people, providing a sense of mental peace.
2. Conciseness and Condensation 
The 5-7-5 format requires a brief and concise expression. As a result, it demands poets to condense their thoughts with select words with deep meaning and emotion. This conciseness also harmonizes with the Japanese aesthetic of "the beauty of empty space”.
3. Harmony with Nature
Haikus often depict nature, and the short 5-7-5 format captures nature’s fleeting beauty and changes. They developed this structure to share the emotional experiences of the changing seasons.
4. Cultural and Historical Background 
Starting from the Heian period, the traditions of waka (short poems) and haiku laid the foundation for Japanese poetry. This format isn’t just a form of expression but something deeply rooted in the spirit and sensibility of the Japanese people.
5. Stairs of Shrines and Temples and 5-7-5 
In some Japanese shrines and temples, they divide the number of stair steps by "5 steps," "7 steps," and "5 steps." This division relates to the Japanese sense of rhythm in "5-7-5."
Reason and Meaning:
When approaching a sacred place, the act of ascending the stairs itself can carry ritualistic significance. The 5-7-5 step division helps the person ascending naturally regulate their breathing and calm their mind at a steady pace. Additionally, Japanese people are familiar with this format, unconsciously bringing them a sense of comfort.
6. Form for Dialogue and Play
Just like in haikus and senryu, Japanese often use 5-7-5 in social interactions. For example, in "kukai" (haiku gatherings), people showcase their spontaneously created 5-7-5 poems, creating an atmosphere of dialogue and play.
7. Universality and Familiarity
The 5-7-5 syllabic structure is easy to memorize, causing people of all ages to love the structure. They accept this format in school education and everyday life as a familiar and approachable form.
Therefore, the 5-7-5 form symbolizes the rhythm and aesthetic sensibility of the Japanese language. It’s not only present in literature but also applied in the design of places like shrines and temples. Despite its brevity, it’s a cultural heritage filled with infinite possibilities for expression.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 262 日本語を学んでアニメをもっと楽しもう!(にほんごをまなんでアニメをもっとたのしもう!)

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1. ()きなアニメを(えら)んで「(みみ)(きた)える」


2. フレーズを「真似(まね)する」



3. 字幕(じまく)を「(はず)して挑戦(ちょうせん)する」









アニメを日本語(にほんご)()ることで(たの)しく効果的(こうかてき)日本語(にほんご)(まな)ぶことができます。 さあ、あなたもお()()りのアニメで日本語(にほんご)学習(がくしゅう)冒険(ぼうけん)(はじ)めましょう!

Let’s Learn Japanese and Enjoy Anime Even More!
To all of you studying Japanese, have you ever wanted to enjoy Japanese anime on a deeper level? Anime is an excellent source for learning Japanese expressions and culture. In this article, we will introduce a study method for enjoying anime in Japanese.
How to Learn Japanese While Enjoying Anime
1. Train your ears
First, pick an anime you love and watch it with subtitles. While checking the meaning with subtitles, “listen with your ears” to the characters’ lines. Pay attention to the following points:
- Frequently used everyday expressions: Phrases like “thank you,” “good job,” and others that you can use right away!
- Pronunciation and intonation: The speed and inflection of native speakers are important to get used to.
2. Imitate the phrases
Try imitating your favorite characters’ lines. They often speak at a natural conversational speed in anime, so try following the below methods:
- Write the lines down and say them out loud.
- Record yourself and compare it to the anime’s pronunciation.
For example, here are some great phrases you can use to practice: 
- “Give your heart!” from Attack on Titan
- “Total concentration!” from Demon Slayer. 
3. Try watching without subtitles
Once you’re comfortable with subtitles, try watching anime without them. It’s okay if you can’t understand some parts at first. The important thing is to develop your ability to guess what the words mean from context. And by watching it repeatedly, your comprehension will naturally improve.
The Appeal of Japanese You Can Learn Through Anime
In addition to improving your language skills, other benefits of watching anime include: 
- Understand Japanese culture and ways of thinking.
- Enjoy dialects and differences in how each character speaks.
- Get emotionally involved in the story, which can motivate you to learn more.
For example, in "slice-of-life anime," you can learn modern conversations of young people, while in “historical anime,” you can learn old-fashioned expressions. The range of language you can learn varies depending on the genre.
Recommended Anime Genres and Learning Points
Slice-of-life anime (e.g. K-On! and Lucky Star)
→ You can learn phrases used in daily conversation and school life.
Fantasy and action anime (e.g. Demon Slayer, Attack on Titan)
→ You can expand your range of expression through slightly difficult expressions and emotional lines.
Comedy anime (e.g. Gintama, Osomatsu-san)
→ Through wordplay and humor, you can become familiar with natural Japanese.
Why don’t you give it a try?
Watching anime in Japanese is a fun and effective way to learn the language. So, let’s start your Japanese learning adventure with your favorite anime!
Click here for recommended learning materials and study support. Let’s expand the world of Japanese language and anime together!

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 261 スキーに行こう(スキーにいこう)

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1. ニセコユナイテッド(北海道(ほっかいどう)虻田郡(あぶたぐん)倶知安町(くっちゃんちょう)
- 特徴(とくちょう): 世界的(せかいてき)有名(ゆうめい)なパウダースノー。外国人(がいこくじん)観光客(かんこうきゃく)にも人気(にんき)で、リゾート全体(ぜんたい)国際的(こくさいてき)
- 魅力(みりょく): 温泉(おんせん)、ナイトスキー、豊富(ほうふ)なアクティビティ。

2. ルスツリゾート(北海道(ほっかいどう)留寿都村(るすつむら)
- 特徴(とくちょう): 3つの(やま)(ひろ)がるコース。家族(かぞく)()れや初心者(しょしんしゃ)にも最適(さいてき)
- 魅力(みりょく): 豊富(ほうふ)なリゾート施設(しせつ)、アミューズメントパーク()き。

3. 富良野(ふらの)スキー(じょう)北海道(ほっかいどう)富良野市(ふらのし)
- 特徴(とくちょう): 見晴(みは)らしの()いロングコースとパウダースノー。
- 魅力(みりょく): ドラマ「(きた)(くに)から」の舞台(ぶたい)としても有名(ゆうめい)

1. 安比高原(あっぴこうげん)スキー(じょう)岩手県(いわてけん)八幡平市(はちまんたいし)
- 特徴(とくちょう): 粉雪(こなゆき)(ひろ)いゲレンデ。(しつ)(たか)(ゆき)整備(せいび)されたコースで有名(ゆうめい)
- 魅力(みりょく): 初心者(しょしんしゃ)から上級者(じょうきゅうしゃ)まで(たの)しめる多彩(たさい)なコース。

2. 蔵王温泉(ざおうおんせん)スキー(じょう)山形県(やまがたけん)山形市(やまがたし)
- 特徴(とくちょう): 樹氷(じゅひょう)(スノーモンスター)で有名(ゆうめい)
- 魅力(みりょく): スキーと温泉(おんせん)同時(どうじ)(たの)しめる。

3. 八甲田(はっこうだ)スキー(じょう)青森県(あおもりけん)青森市(あおもりし)
- 特徴(とくちょう): 豪雪(ごうせつ)地帯(ちたい)ならではの(ふか)いパウダー。
- 魅力(みりょく): 上級者(じょうきゅうしゃ)()けのバックカントリーエリアが人気(にんき)

1. 白馬八方尾根(はくばはっぽうおね)スキー(じょう)長野県(ながのけん)白馬村(はくばむら)
- 特徴(とくちょう): 1998(ねん)長野(ながの)冬季(とうき)オリンピックの舞台(ぶたい)変化(へんか)()んだコース。
- 魅力(みりょく): 山々(やまやま)絶景(ぜっけい)国際(こくさい)(しょく)(ゆた)かなエリア。

2. 志賀(しが)高原(こうげん)スキー(じょう)長野県(ながのけん)(やま)()内町(うちまち)
- 特徴(とくちょう): 日本(にほん)最大級(さいだいきゅう)のスキー(じょう)。18のスキー(じょう)結合(けつごう)
- 魅力(みりょく): 標高(ひょうこう)(たか)く、雪質(ゆきしつ)非常(ひじょう)()い。

3. 苗場(なえば)スキー(じょう)新潟県(にいがたけん)湯沢町(ゆざわまち)
- 特徴(とくちょう): 世界(せかい)最大級(さいだいきゅう)のゴンドラ「ドラゴンドラ」で(ほか)エリアと連結(れんけつ)
- 魅力(みりょく): 首都圏(しゅとけん)からのアクセスが良好(りょうこう)広大(こうだい)なスキーリゾート。

4. 軽井沢(かるいざわ)プリンスホテルスキー(じょう)長野県(ながのけん)軽井沢町(かるいざわまち)
- 特徴(とくちょう): シーズンの(はや)時期(じき)から滑走(かっそう)可能(かのう)家族(かぞく)()け。
- 魅力(みりょく): ショッピングモールと温泉(おんせん)(ちか)く、観光(かんこう)(たの)しめる。

1. 野沢温泉(のざわおんせん)スキー(じょう)長野県(ながのけん)野沢温泉村(のざわおんせんむら)
- 特徴(とくちょう): 歴史(れきし)ある温泉街(おんせんがい)一体化(いったいか)したスキー(じょう)
- 魅力(みりょく): 多彩(たさい)なコースと地元(じもと)温泉(おんせん)

2. 高鷲(たかす)スノーパーク(岐阜県(ぎふけん)郡上市(ぐじょうし)
- 特徴(とくちょう): 西日本(にしにっぽん)最大級(さいだいきゅう)のスキー(じょう)
- 魅力(みりょく): 名古屋(なごや)関西圏(かんさいけん)からのアクセスが()い。

1. びわ()バレイスキー(じょう)滋賀県(しがけん)大津市(おおつし)
- 特徴(とくちょう): 琵琶湖(びわこ)見下(みお)ろす絶景(ぜっけい)(たの)しめる。
- 魅力(みりょく): 初心者(しょしんしゃ)にもやさしいコースも充実(じゅうじつ)

2. 芸北国際(げいほくこくさい)スキー(じょう)広島県(ひろしまけん)北広島町(きたひろしまちょう)
- 特徴(とくちょう): 西日本(にしにっぽん)最大級(さいだいきゅう)規模(きぼ)
- 魅力(みりょく): 積雪(せきせつ)(りょう)豊富(ほうふ)で、初心者(しょしんしゃ)から上級者(じょうきゅうしゃ)まで(たの)しめる。

1. 五ヶ瀬(ごかせ)ハイランドスキー(じょう)宮崎県(みやざきけん)五ヶ瀬町(ごかせちょう)
- 特徴(とくちょう): 九州(きゅうしゅう)唯一(ゆいいつ)のスキー(じょう)
- 魅力(みりょく): 温暖(おんだん)九州(きゅうしゅう)でスキーが(たの)しめる希少(きしょう)なスポット。

Let's Go Skiing!
Many famous ski resorts in Japan attract many skiers and snowboards from Japan and abroad with their excellent snow quality and facilities. Below are some of the most renowned ski resorts in Japan by region:
1. Niseko United (Kutchan, Abuta-gun, Hokkaido)
- Features: World-famous powder snow, popular with foreign tourists, and an international resort.
- Attractions: Hot springs, night skiing, and various activities.
2. Rusutsu Resort (Rusutsu Village, Hokkaido)
- Features: Courses spread over three mountains and ideal for families and beginners.
- Attractions: Abundant resort facilities and an amusement park.
3. Furano Ski Resort (Furano City, Hokkaido)
- Features: Long courses with great views and powder snow.
- Attraction: Famous as the setting for the TV drama “Kita no Kuni Kara” (From the North).
Tohoku Region
1. Appi Kogen Ski Resort (Hachimantai City, Iwate Prefecture)
- Features: Powder snow and wide slopes. Famous for its high-quality snow and well-maintained courses.
- Attractions: Beginners and advanced skiers alike can enjoy various courses.
2. Zao Onsen Ski Resort (Yamagata City, Yamagata Prefecture)
- Features: Famous for its snow monsters.
- Attractions: You can enjoy skiing and hot springs at the same time. 
3. Hakkoda Ski Resort (Aomori City, Aomori Prefecture)
- Features: Deep powder in an area with heavy snowfall.
- Attractions: The backcountry area is popular for advanced skiers.
Kanto/Koshinetsu Region
1. Hakuba Happo One Ski Resort (Hakuba Village, Nagano Prefecture)
- Features: The site of the 1998 Nagano Winter Olympics. The course is rich in variety.
- Attractions: Spectacular mountain views and international flavor.
2. Shiga Kogen Ski Resort (Yamanouchi, Nagano Prefecture)
- Features: One of the largest ski resorts in Japan, with 18 ski slopes.
- Attractions: High elevation and superior snow quality.
3. Naeba Ski Resort (Yuzawa, Niigata Prefecture)
- Features: Connected to other areas by one of the world's largest gondolas, the “Dragondola”.
- Attractions: Easy access from the Tokyo metropolitan area and a spacious ski resort. 
4. Karuizawa Prince Hotel Ski Resort (Karuizawa, Nagano Prefecture)
- Features: People can ski here early in the season and the resort is very family-oriented.
- Attractions: Sightseeing with shopping malls and hot springs nearby.
Chubu Region
1. Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort (Nozawa Onsen Village, Nagano Prefecture)
- Features: A ski resort integrated with a historic hot spring resort town.
- Attractions: Various courses and local hot springs.
2. Takawashi Snow Park (Gujo City, Gifu Prefecture)
- Features: One of the largest ski resorts in western Japan.
- Attractions: Easy access from the Nagoya and Kansai areas.
Kansai/Chugoku/Shikoku Region
1. Biwako Valley Ski Resort (Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture)
- Features: A spectacular view overlooking Lake Biwa.
- Attractions: Various courses that are easy for beginners.
2. Geihoku International Ski Resort (Kitahiroshima, Hiroshima Prefecture)
- Feature: One of the largest ski resorts in western Japan.
- Attractive: Abundant snowfall, suitable for both beginners and advanced skiers.
1. Gokase Highland Ski Resort (Gokase, Miyazaki Prefecture)
- Features: The only ski resort in Kyushu.
- Attraction: A rare spot to enjoy skiing in the warm Kyushu region.
Each of these ski resorts has unique charm and features, and you can choose according to your objectives and skill level. We hope you will find them useful in your planning!

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