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PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog
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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

Russian Roulette

Russian Roulette
Would you give anyone a permission to work on anything if the person keeps telling you "I don't know what is wrong". Of cause you don't know everything and people do not expect you to be right 100% of the time. But as a professional, you need to comfort your client by communicating why you think it is the right choice. If you cannot communicate, the client will feel like playing a russian roulette.

Many engineers and professionals do not believe this. But the communication skill is more important than the actual skill one has. If you are a professional, remember this!

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Internet Traffic

Internet Traffic
Today we peaked at 250Mbps for our email traffic. This is due to the beginning of the year business usage. We have had up to 400Mbps of traffic in the past and our servers had no problem handing that number. So, 250Mbps is well within our capacity.

To put in the prospective, 250Mbps is same as having 160 T1 connection to the Internet. We have three(3) 1Gbps connection to the Internet to handle the traffic.

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We had our new year staff meeting yesterday at HQ lobby yesterday. We had a very good year last year but we would like to grow more in 2011. To do that, we ask everyone to be more responsible for what they do and communicate better with customers and among ourselves.

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I am older than Space Needle

I am older than Space Needle
I just realized that I am 3 years older than Space Needle. What is that mean? I don't know but it is depressing to see something that is old but it is younger than me.

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Internet Service is not a seasonal

Internet Service is not a seas...
Unlike Santa Clause, Internet Services that we provide can not start and end in short duration of times. Some of our customers are with us for over 10 years. We continue to provide services at the highest level possible.

During 2010, our service availabilities are higher than 99.99% and we are working very hard to keep it even better.

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2011 is a year of rabbits.
I don't know what that mean but we hope rabbit will bring some good lucks to everyone.

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Last day of 2011

Last day of 2011
It is a super cold but beautiful morning in Seattle. You can see Cascade Mountains from where I am. It looks like everything is frozen.

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Last Day of Work 2010

Last Day of Work 2010
Today is the last work day at PSPINC of 2010. We are all ready to take a 3 day off to get ready for 2011. Have a Happy New Year!!!

We will promise that we will deliver something exciting next year. Until then, PSPINC will take a brief break. Oh, our data center is operational 24 hours.

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New Copier, Fax and Scanner is here!

New Copier, Fax and Scanner ...
We have replaced Canon copier, fax and scanner with Ricoh machine. There was nothing wrong with Canon, it was just at the end of lease term. We have used the company called Woodburn Company this time because they become our customer. They supply copiers to companies like NORDSTROM and PUGET SOUND ENERGY. They are also a member of Minority Business Council.

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Freezing !!

Freezing !!
Looks like last few days of 2011 are going to be very cold. It snowed today up north about 20 miles. There was no snow in Bellevue, but it is very clod.

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