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PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog
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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

Newport Hight School Announcement

Newport Hight School Announc...
The following message was summarized from an announcement read to Newport students today, during 3rd period. Please be aware that your students might be affected by this news, and let us know if you need help or resources to ease the concerns and anxiety your students may feel.

Dear Newport Students:

The family of Anna Uchikura gave us permission to share that Anna recently lost her battle with a long-term illness. A junior with a passion for art, Anna courageously persevered through a medical condition to bring her gifts of compassion, generosity and kindness to the Newport halls and classrooms. She passed away peacefully on Tuesday, January 25th, surrounded by her family. She will be greatly missed.

There will be a service for Anna on Sunday, 1/30, at 2:00 p.m. More details will be shared with students as they become known. We will also send this information in a follow-up email to you.

The Newport counselors are working with students and staff in a variety of ways. Students have been invited to come to the counseling center if they need to talk to someone, or if they just need to be alone for a bit. We have also made counselors available to visit a classroom, if necessary.


Thank you for all your support for Anna. We were happy to have her attend such a fine school. We walked the campus every weekend.


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Thanks to New Health Care

Thanks to New Health Care
Because of the healthcare reform, there is not lifetime limit to the healthcare coverage. My daughter spent over 2 months in the hospital PICU (Pediatric ICU). I dId not have to worry about the care going out of the limit. So to give my small thanks back to President Obama, I purchased T-Shirt (pictured).

I also wanted to know if this T-Shirt is "MADE IN CHINA". If so, I am very disappointed. I will let you know when I get it.

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Some of you already know...

Some of you already know...
My daughter, Anna Mary Uchikura (Born on Feb. 28, 1993), passed away yesterday morning. She was hospitalized since November 14th.

A memorial will be held this Sunday afternoon at Bonney-Watson Funeral Home on Broadway in Seattle.

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Team Work

It is very importantto communicate btween the team members. If one member does not know what others are doing, it reflects to the value of entire team.

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Available Domain Name

Available Domain Name
I saw this in Seattle. I wanted to know what this domain do. I could not get to the home page so I checked the domain registration information. I found out this domain is available.

I might get this domain ... for the fun of it.

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Sunny Saturday

Today was one of the best looking days this year. It was sunny and not cold. I wish I played golf today,

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It is not a good job.

It is not a good job.
We have installed new gutters on our buildings ... there were three spots gutters were not working. We have several calls in to the contractor to fix them. I hope they will come back soon.

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Email Broadcasting

Email Broadcasting
Do you know PSPINC has developed a system to broadcast email to tens of thousands of people in very short time? We have worked with national and international marketing companies to help them email their messages, pictures and video to up to 600,000 people.

The service is called

We can offer you 30 day FREE TRIAL. Please contact us at or call 425-957-0808 or 1-800-232-3989.

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January 19, 1990

January 19, 1990
On January 19, 1990. 21 years ago, my father died in the hospital in Japan. As long as I remember, he was an entrepreneur operating his own business. Unfortunately he was not very successful most of the time. He was a very nice man but he was not good at accounting. I learned a lot from him. I learned what not to do. My business still exists because of the mistakes I saw and learned from my father. Unlike other entrepreneurs who can teach you how to succeed, I learn how not to fail. So, I do not know how to succeed, but I sure can tell people what they are doing wrong. Because I have seen them all since when I was a kid.

I owe a lot to my father for not failing. I can not believe it has been over 20 years since he passed away at age of 60.

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What is IMAP?

What is IMAP?
Today, at Seattle Executives Association meeting, Mayumi Nakamura introduced the new email service called IMAP by PSPINC. I would like to take a moment to confuse you little more with this posting.

IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) is the way for you to share one mailbox with multiple devices such as PC, Cellular Phone and Tablet like iPad. Instead of downloading your email to the device, emails stay at the IMAP server and you just use you device to read, reply, store delete, write email. When you delete an email, you are deleting it from the server. When you write an email, you send email from the server and store it on SENT folder on the server. So no matter which device you use to access your email, it is all synched and up to date.

It take a lot more storage and CPU power on the server. This is what we are going to release as a new product this quarter.

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