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PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog
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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

Grow Your Business Expo 2010

Grow Your Business Expo 2010
We were at Grow Your Business Expo 2010 this morning until 2:00pm today.

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Government will cut services

Government will cut services
Washington State, Country and city government will cut vital services like law enforcements to deal with no NEW TAX. I rather see those administrative staffs take benefit and payroll cut. That is what private sector has to do.

Parks I walk my dog every morning are upgraded almost every day. The soccer fields were fitted with sprinkler system before they are ripped out and replaced by artificial turf. Today, they are replacing the nets with metal fences. I rather see one more police offer hired than this.

If we are letting police officers and fire fighters and rescue workers go, that is not because we did not pass the tax increase, it is because government do not know how to manage funds.

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Rare sunny day in Seattle

Rare sunny day in Seattle
It is a beautiful afternoon here in Seattle. We do not see very many blue sky in Seattle this time of year.

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Government must do more with less

When the revenue goes down, businesses will cut the cost but without cutting down the quality or service. When business cuts quality or quantity, that symbolizes the death of that business. But when the government revenue goes down, it always cuts services, quality and quantity. Government must learn to do things with less money without cutting down on quality or quantity. Don't tell me they can't do that, because we, businesses do that everyday.

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Beautiful Fall Morning

Beautiful Fall Morning
Today was a beautiful fall day. Air is clean and smell was good too. I took this picture this morning when I waked my dog. Unbelievable color.

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Unreadable Microsoft Tag

Unreadable Microsoft Tag
This tag is found on the Acura MDX catalogue. I believe this is a new Microsoft Mobile Tag. I have Tag scanner on my cellular phone but it does not recognize this at all. Why don't they just use standard QR Code instead.

The term "QR Code" is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED.

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ACURA is using Microsoft Tag ... Why?

ACURA is using Microsoft Tag ....
I went Acura dealer today with my friend. Their car catalogue come with the tag that you can scan with your mobile phone. When you scan the tag, it takes you to the video.

Unfortunately Acura decided to use Microsoft Tag instead of QR Code. Perhaps, QR Code was developed by DENSO WAVE, sub of TOYOTA. This is a stupid mistake. Only Acura (Maybe Honda) and FORD use Microsoft Tags.

The term "QR Code" is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED.

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QR Code for Commercial Real Estate

QR Code for Commercial Real ...
We will be developing a QR Code based information delivery system for a commercial real estate company in Puget Sound. We have already developed the residential property information delivery system for an agent in Southern California.

Learn more about QR Code at

The term "QR Code" is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED.

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Happy Halloween


Have a very happy and safe halloween.



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Japanese Yen Raises to the Highest Level

Japanese Yen Raises to the Hi...
One time, Japanese yen went over 80 yen mark and recorded 79.xx Yen to US$. This was the highest since 1996 when Japanese Yen recorded 78 Yen to US$.

What is this mean?

This is not a good time to travel from US to Japan. But the goods and services made in the US seem bargain in Japan. If you have a product, service or property to sell, you should look at selling it to Japan.

By the way, cars made in Japan are sold in the US for 30% less here in the US. If this trend continues, you may be looking at jump in price for Japanese goods.

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