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Hawaii Holiday

Hawaii Holiday
Last week I went with my family to Hawaii. It was the first time any of us had been there. It`s a popular holiday destination, and as I expected, Waikiki Beach (Honolulu) - where we stayed - was pretty touristy [kankouchi], but it was nicer than I expected - everywhere looked clean and well-maintained, the people were polite, the traffic was orderly, and there was no annoying noise, like loud music or shouting people.

It`s very different from the last place I went on holidays - Bangkok, Thailand. What a difference!

What else would you like to know about my trip? Let me guess:

How was the weather? Did you get sunburnt?
- Good; warm but not too hot - 20-28 degrees C. No, fortunately I didn`t get burnt.

Did you go to Ala Moana shopping centre?
- Yes. I bought a pair of shoes, a pair of jeans, a top, & some postcards.

Were there lots of Japanese people there?
- Kind of, but I also noticed a lot of Koreans & also Australians.

Did you go surfing?
- Unfortunately not. I really regret it, because the waves looked absolutely PERFECT for beginners (that`s me).

Do you want to go there again?
- Of course!

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Commented by michiko
Posted at 2011-11-27 17:14

You had a great holiday, didn't you?
So, did you feel little cold in Japan when you came back here? And did Owen get a nice trip because he seemed to have a nice time and enjoying his holiday?

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Teragoya Otto
Commented by Teragoya Otto
Posted at 2011-11-30 17:56

Yes, Owen had a great time.  We often saw pigeons on or near the beach, and he really enjoyed chasing them.

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