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2012 Nengajo

2012 Nengajo
Happy New Year! 2011 was a tough year for many people, but I hope you found things to be happy about too.

Thanks everyone who read my blog, and especially those who left comments. Please keep reading it in 2012!

This is my design for my New Year`s postcards for 2012 - year of the dragon. It`s a lino-block print, using black watercolour paint.

Good luck in 2012!
#アート #伝統 #文化 #芸術

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Commented by michiko
Posted at 2012-01-05 19:50

I hope my physical condition get better in this year, and cut branches and mow in my orchard much more.
The people who receive your New Year's card are happy.
Anyway, what does lino-block mean? A rubber board or something?

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I hope my physical condition get better in this year, and cut branches and mow in my orchard much more. The people who receive your New Year's card are happy. Anyway, what does lino-block mean? A rubber board or something?

Teragoya Otto
Commented by Teragoya Otto
Posted at 2012-01-09 12:41

Yes, lino is similar to rubber. Actually, I think I used rubber but I`m not sure; I bought it in Japan.
In this Youtube video, the lady has hard lino (brown) & soft lino (pink):

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