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Osu Kannon Markets

Osu Kannon Markets
On the 18th & 28th of every month, there is an outdoor market in front of Osu Kannon Temple in Nagoya. By chance, last Sunday (my day off) was the 18th, so I went there with my son to take a look.

Most of the stuff on sale is old or antique. It`s interesting - some things look like junk, but they`re valuable. Other items may look valuable, but actually they`re junk. Then there are things like this toy car that I bought - it looks like junk, and... well, it IS junk! But I don`t mind. When I saw it, it really caught my eye, and Owen liked the opening doors ("Look - now it`s an aeroplane!").

And one day, when I`ve forgotten where I bought all my kids` toys, I think I`ll still remember where I bought this car.

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Commented by michiko
Posted at 2012-03-22 21:36

Are you going to fix it? You can do it!!
I am interested in the tableware. I like the golden something like a kind of bottle. If I would get a chance to go there, I would stroll around the street for half a day, maybe.

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Teragoya Otto
Commented by Teragoya Otto
Posted at 2012-03-23 12:01

The car is old, but not broken. In fact, the wheels spin pretty well, so I don`t have to fix it.

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