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Sekigahara Camping

Sekigahara Camping
Winter and early spring are too cold for camping, but if you wait too long, suddenly rainy season arrives and you have to wait another month or two for a clear weather.

Fortunately this year I managed an overnight (= one night) camping trip in Sekigahara before the rains started.

I saw a couple of snakes, a couple of deer, and lots of big, black swallowtail butterflies. I`m afraid I didn`t take any photos of them, but please enjoy this picture of my campsite. Nice spot, isn`t it?

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Commented by ビジター
Posted at 2012-06-12 18:34

There is the nice spot! The weather was clear!
Then, what did you do in there? Did you do something on the fire?
I thought that you caught a lot of fish and played with water.
So, what is the river's name?
Anyway, there is no place in the comment where I write my name.

from michiko

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