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I keep my many めだか (killi fish) in fish tanks (すいそう) outside. A cat used to come at night to try to eat them, so I made some wire covers.

Recently this frog has been visiting. It can get through the wire covers. I guess it wants to eat my fish too.

The first time, I caught it & released it, but it came back. Next time, I released it further away (もっととおい), but it came back. Finally I released it even further away. I hope it doesn`t come back.

Maybe I should make a mesh cover, but it`s a hassle (めんどくさい).

By the way (ときに) do you know how to cook frog?
#ペット #動物 #昆虫

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Commented by Mum
Posted at 2013-08-15 17:24

Maybe the frog came to lay eggs on the water.

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Teragoya Otto
Commented by Teragoya Otto
Posted at 2013-08-27 06:09

You might be right. I didn`t think of that. If so, I hope the tadpoles are small enough for my fish to eat!

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