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Matsuzakaya Art Exhibition

Matsuzakaya Art Exhibition
A kind friend gave me tickets to an art exhibition (展示会) at Matsuzakaya Department store in Nagoya. I went to look at it before work today. I didn`t want to be late for work, so I was kind of hurrying. However the paintings were very relaxing to look at, & gradually (だんだん) I became relaxed & slowed down. Actually, it was necessary to slow down anyway, because there were so many old people there.

By the way (ところで), I didn`t take this photo. I got it from the internet. Usually you can`t take photos in museums, so I didn`t.

- The paintings were relaxing/boring/exciting/amazing etc.
- I felt relaxed/bored/excited/amazed etc.
#アート #伝統 #文化 #芸術

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