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Otto's blog

Lake Biwa

Lake Biwa
Q: What did you get up to last week, Teragoya Otto?
T: I cycled from Ichinomiya to Tsuruga last Thursday.
Q: Oh - that`s a long way! Did you get up early?
T: Yes, I got up at 2am & left my house at 2:30. I got to Lake Biwa at about 8:30.
Q: What did you get up to there?
T: Nothing much. I just got coffee, relaxed a little, took this photo, then continued riding.
Q: Sounds tough.
T: Yes, pretty tough, especially as I`m not in good shape. I`ve got to improve my fitness.

- `get up to` = do
- `get up` = 起きる
- `get to` = reach, arrive, 着く
- `have got to` = must, ないと行けない

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