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  • Loose Seat Leads to Neat Sight

Loose Seat Leads to Neat Sight

Loose Seat Leads to Neat Sight
While riding From Nagahama to Hikone, my bicycle seat became loose. While I was trying to fix it, I looked across the road & noticed this field with several old-fashioned water pumps in it. Cool! I like this kind of pump, especially the curved handle. I popped across the road & took this photo.

Every cloud has a silver lining! [イディオム: すべての雲は銀の裏地を持っています = 不幸中にも幸いあり]

Be careful!
- A bicycle has a SEAT, not a saddle (In English, saddle = 鞍)
- A car has a STEERING WHEEL, not a handle (In English, handle = 取っ手)

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