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After Kagoshima, I flew to Nagasaki (by propeller plane - my first time!). Of course we visited Glover House/Glover Park. The old, western-style houses there are very unusual for Japan, but actually, you can see many similar houses in my hometown of Brisbane in Australia. They are popular because they look very stylish and have character.
Our hotel was next to Chinatown, and from there it was a short walk to Dejima, where the Portuguese and Dutch traders used to live. The history of this area is very interesting! But I feel sorry for the Portuguese - they got kicked out for being Christian. How rude!
From there, we walked to the harbourside. There are lots of cafe-style restaurants here, with tables outside, so you can enjoy the fresh air and nice views - great! Such a comfortable place to eat & chat, or chat & eat even.
Nearby is the art museum, which was also a nice place. Well, the art was rubbish, but the building was nice. There`s also a big, grassy park beside it, and, while we were there, there was a visiting Navy - sorry; `Self Defence Forces of Japan` - ship. Luckily for us, it was open to the public at that time, so we could go on a free tour of it - cool!
In the evening I went drinking with my Japanese friend and his cousin, who live in Nagasaki.
I was really impressed with Nagasaki - it seems like a really pleasant place. They even have old-fashioned trams (streetcars)!
Have you ever been to Nagasaki? What did you think? Were you tempted to steal coins from the fountain at Glover House?

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Commented by chika
Posted at 2010-05-22 00:09


Thank you for showing your pictures in nagasaki today.Your wife and your son were very cute.
I have been to nagasaki for school trip. I threw many coins to the fountain at Glover house. I want to go there because I watched this page.
I'll ress again.

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Commented by LenoraZamora18
Posted at 2011-04-02 17:13

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Commented by PANDA
Posted at 2010-05-23 18:24

I haven't been to Nagasaki!  I'd like to go there!  I really like chanpon! I wanna have real chanpon!!

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Commented by Rinko
Posted at 2010-05-24 00:22

I have been in Nagasaki when I was 13 years old. I felt the houses are different from here.

I wanna go again!

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Commented by CamilleClay
Posted at 2011-04-29 07:15

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Commented by michiko
Posted at 2010-05-24 05:01

Ive been to Haustenbosu(I don't know it in English)in Nagasaki.It was at New Year's Eve.There evented fireworks with music, when it was count down time.It was very exciting and beautiful.Then I was enjoyed so much.

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Commented by dqasada
Posted at 2010-11-11 02:25

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Commented by qwe
Posted at 2010-11-18 04:24

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Posted at 2011-02-26 20:09

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