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Medaka News Update

Medaka News Update
Besides things like bbqs, streams, parks & restaurants, Kawashima Water Eco Park also has a building called the `Aqua Restoration Training Center`. Inside, there are displays, videos, books etc. about Japanese rivers and their ecosystems. I found it very interesting.

Anyway, at home I noticed that most of my medaka release eggs, which become babies. However, a few of my fish give birth to LIVING babies. Now I know why! The volunteer a the A.R.T.C. explained that the ones which have eggs are Japanese medaka, but the other ones are from North America. They were introduced to Japan in the 1950`s. The American ones are stronger than the Japanese ones, so in fact, now in Kyushu there are only American `kadayashi` - no Japanese medaka!

Occasionally I release medaka back into the creek near my house, but the volunteer told me not to release the American ones. Haha - I have American prisoners - maybe Rambo will visit me!

Anyway, the above picture, which I found on the internet, shows the difference.

#動物 #趣味

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Commented by michiko
Posted at 2010-09-02 03:32

Oh,American medaka.

I used to catch some procambarus clarkiies in a rice feild when I was a child.Procambarus clarkii doesn't have 'American' in its name,I was surprised.Medaka,I was jast watching.

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