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Shikoku Anpanman Train

Shikoku Anpanman Train
On Shikoku there are trains which are decorated with characters from the cartoon `Anpanman`. By chance, I caught a couple of these trains while I was in Shikoku last week. When the trains leave the station, the chime played in the train is the Anpanman theme tune - pretty funny. Also, you can see on the train ticket (above) that the train conductor`s blue stamp is a special Anpanman one - cool, isn`t it?

I bought an Anpanman train book for Owen as a souvenir (omiyage). He loves Anpanman, & is crazy about trains, so of course he loves this book. He also loves pressing the buttons in it which make various train sounds.

Actually, that`s become pretty annoying.

I hope the batteries die soon.

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Commented by birdy
Posted at 2010-11-16 12:50

Nice to meet you.(on the blog,is this expression right?)

By chance,I found your blog.

I live in Takamatsu City in Kagawa Pre.
Yashima Temple that is the 84th temple of Shikoku 88 Temples stands near my house.

I've watched Ampanman Trains before.
They're very cute.
My grandchild loves them,too!(^_-)-β˜†

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Teragoya Otto
Commented by Teragoya Otto
Posted at 2010-11-17 10:10

Thanks for visiting my blog. Welcome!

Your train pictures are nice - the colors seem brighter than mine. 

I think everybody who sees the Anpanman trains is interested by them, not only children. It`s a really nice idea.

You live near temple # 84? You must often see of O-henro-san, right? In a couple more years, maybe you`ll see me go past!

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Commented by birdy
Posted at 2010-11-18 10:21

Yes,of course.
I often see O-henro-san.
Yashima Temple stands on the top of Mt.Yashima.
My house stands at the foot of it.

When you visit Yashima Temple,post on my blog,plesae.
I'll  guide it and Udon restaurants.

See you.

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Teragoya Otto
Commented by Teragoya Otto
Posted at 2010-11-19 05:58

Thankyou for your kind invitation. I will let you know when I`m coming to Yashima Temple! (Maybe in 2012)

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Commented by bell
Posted at 2010-11-17 00:03

I can imagine how much Owen likes the book!

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Commented by michiko
Posted at 2010-11-18 14:43

Little kids like Anpanman and trains,and sometimes thay make mad some rotating things.Perhaps it is only my nephew.
Anyway,the blue stamp on the train ticket is very cute! I like it!

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