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Gifu Beaujoulais Nouveau Party Report

Gifu Beaujoulais Nouveau Party...
I had a good time at the party on Saturday night.

However, I didn`t do very well in the wine tasting challenge. Each team was given 4 wine samples & told to decide which country each was from. Unfortunately an Australian wine - which I usually drink - wasn`t included, & though I sometimes drink Italian wine (e.g. when I go to a great Italian restaurant next to Iwato Station called Manma Cina), the Italian one we were given in the contest was a dessert wine, which I never drink - yuck! Also, I thought American wine was terrible, but I didn`t realise that Argentinian wine is even worse... urgh!

Anyway, in the end my team got zero points. But I wasn`t too shocked; after one of my team members drank his first sample, he asked "Is this wine?" Uh oh...!

Anyway, congratulations to the winners: Parren & his team.

And congratulations to Argentina for making a wine that is worse than $4 American wine!
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Commented by michiko
Posted at 2010-12-01 14:28

Oh,you were sorry.But,what kind of game did there have at the party?Did you guess a brewery of wine?
I like an Italian wine that is bottled in a shape of fish.It's very pretty!

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