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Brisbane Flood

Brisbane Flood
This week there was a bad flood in my hometown of Brisbane, Australia. It has been on the news here in Japan. Fortunately my family members & their houses are okay (thanks everybody who asked me about them). The flooding was worst on the west side of the city (the bottom of this photo), but my family mostly live on the east side of town (the top of the photo).

The flood was also very severe in places west of Brisbane, like Toowoomba, where it arrived suddenly. Some people have died, but nobody is sure how many yet.

It`s shocking to see familiar views so transformed by flood waters.

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Commented by michiko
Posted at 2011-01-20 15:02

I am glad to be safe your family.
More than ten years ago,this area had a bad flood because of a long spellof rain.I was OK.But I was really frightened at water into my bus and floating a car in water when I went home from my office.

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Are you sure you want to remove the following comment?
I am glad to be safe your family. More than ten years ago,this area had a bad flood because of a long spellof rain.I was OK.But I was really frightened at water into my bus and floating a car in water when I went home from my office.
