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Japanese Brick House

Japanese Brick House
Traditional Japanese houses are made from wood, or a wood frame with the spaces filled with bamboo & clay. However, nowadays almost all houses are either concrete, or use a wooden frame covered by steel panels.

Brick houses are very rare in Japan. One reason is that they can be badly damaged by earthquakes. However, today I saw one being built not far from my home. I was surprised.

I hope it lasts longer than 30 years - the average lifespan of a modern Japanese house.

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Commented by michiko
Posted at 2011-01-27 02:32

I've not seen a brick house.Are there many brick house in Australia?
I like an old English house with half timber.It looks like a house of fairy tale.But the house might be cold in winter...Oh, I hate this winter,so I can't stand it!

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Are you sure you want to remove the following comment?
I've not seen a brick house.Are there many brick house in Australia? I like an old English house with half timber.It looks like a house of fairy tale.But the house might be cold in winter...Oh, I hate this winter,so I can't stand it!
