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Otto's blog

オト の アート #9

オト の アート #9
I used to live in Kiyosu, not far from Kiyosu castle & its red bridge. This is a woodblock print (black ink, plus watercolor, 10 x 16cm) I did at that time (2000? this copy doesn`t have a date) of one of the bridge posts.

I sketched a couple of other bridge posts along the Gojo River, and my plan was to do a small series, but in the end [kekyoku] I only did this one.
#アート #伝統 #文化 #芸術

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Commented by michiko
Posted at 2011-04-14 17:51

That's too bad. I hope that you will try it agein.
I've not seen the type of the bridge post recently. Some area have many types of them, I remember only Kyoto, ha,ha... I've seen it much more somewhere.

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