Ken Uchikura Newsletter Vol. 176 Marketing As a Means for Sales
Marketing As a Means for Sales
Today I would like to talk about marketing. There are all kinds of ways of marketing people can choose from. While there’s no guarantee which will succeed, there’s also no guarantee which will not. So, what is successful marketing, anyway?
First of all, marketing is a means to sell things. Therefore, successful marketing can be seen when selling something. While sales generate revenue, great marketing usually consists of paying for effective results. Be it cost of labor or paid advertising. So, with that logic, it doesn’t make sense to only spend $200 to sell a $100 item.
I think marketing reports, especially for digital marketing efforts, often talk about how many people they’ve attracted. But it’s not very meaningful if it doesn’t result in any sales. I think it’s important to know how effective marketing efforts are. More specifically, how much of it translates into sales numbers.
Whether your marketing efforts are working isn’t a matter of how many people you’ve attracted. Rather, it’s a matter of sales, and how much its increased over time. When marketing, I think it’s important to not only determine who’s interested in what you have to offer, but also how to convert those people into paying customers. So, let’s not forget the real purpose here.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
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