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Thai Trip Report #5

Thai Trip Report #5
Chiang Mai is in the far north of Thailand, near the borders of Laos & Burma. Many foreigners like it because it`s cooler and less busy than Bangkok, and there are activities like hiking, river rafting, mountain-biking etc.

Unfortunately, this means there are quite a lot of hippy tourists in Chiang Mai.

I don`t like hippies.

My friends in Chiang Mai told me that nowadays it is also quite common to see retired Japanese people living there (houses and apartments are much cheaper in Thailand than in Japan).

I spent a lot of time walking around, taking photographs, and saying "No, thankyou!" to vendors. I also bought a couple of things at the popular night market.

Would you like to live somewhere like Chiang Mai after you retire?

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Commented by michiko
Posted at 2011-06-12 22:35

They are beautiful flowers! Are they lotus flowers?
I would like to live here because I am afraid of my health. So I would travel somewhere someday.
Anyway, you trip sounds like so happy.

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