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Root Beer & Twinkies

Root Beer & Twinkies
When I was a kid I used to read American comics like Spiderman, Batman & Superman. Sometimes in those comics there were ads for a kind of snack called `Twinkies`. However they weren`t (& still aren`t) sold in Australia, so I was really curious about them. What were they? Were they tasty? They looked tasty!

Similarly, when Snoopy drank something called `Root Beer`, I was really curious about it. What was it? Was it tasty? If Snoopy drinks it, it must taste great!

Finally, after so many years, I got to try these two things in Hawaii. Twinkies are just small sponge cakes with cream inside, & actually we have `root beer` in Australia, but it`s called `sarsaparilla` - in the end I had tried it but didn`t know it.

Visiting Hawaii was very educational.
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Commented by Noriko
Posted at 2011-11-25 01:43

Then, was Twinkies tasty?? Now I became curious about it!! 

BTW I miss Hawaii, too.

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Teragoya Otto
Commented by Teragoya Otto
Posted at 2011-11-25 13:21

Twinkies tasted okay, but nothing amazing. 

In the movie `Zombieland` - - one guy is determined throughout the movie to find a Twinkie. So I guess some Americans must love them.

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Commented by michiko
Posted at 2011-11-27 17:54

I wish to try them!
So are Twinkies sponge cakes? Only sweet? No other taste?
And What taste is 'Root Beer'? I want to know it after watched a movie that had a scene which a boy drank a 'Root Beer' with his uncles. You must try it and tell me the taste, please.

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Teragoya Otto
Commented by Teragoya Otto
Posted at 2011-11-30 10:32

Yes - sponge cake with cream inside - that`s all!

The flavour of root beer is hard to describe. Do you know licorice (a kind of black candy)? I think root beer tastes like licorice.

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