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Otto's blog

Shikoku Henro 2013

Shikoku Henro 2013

Last week I went to Shikoku Island with my father-in-law to continue our `Henro` 88-temple tour. As usual, we went there by train, then rode our bicycles from temple to temple.

This is the fourth time we`ve been to Shikoku to do Henro. This time we visited temples number 61 to 88. Yes - this time we finally finished!

Over the next couple (2 or 3) days, I`ll blog about it. Please look.

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Commented by birdy
Posted at 2013-11-03 16:13

I've looked forward to your blog.
You visited 28 temples this time!

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Teragoya Otto
Commented by Teragoya Otto
Posted at 2013-11-05 13:20

Actually, we skipped a couple... so maybe 25. I was satisfied with that.

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Commented by Mum
Posted at 2013-11-07 15:36

Congratulations to you both. Well done. Mum

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