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Shikoku Henro 2013, Day 1

Shikoku Henro 2013, Day 1
Day 1:

I got up at 4.45am. I hardly ever (= almost never) get up this early. Occasionally I go to bed at this time, but not get up.

Anyway, my father-in-law & I caught the train to Nagoya, shinkansen to Okayama, then train to Shikoku. We visited a couple (2 or 3) temples before lunch, then a couple more after lunch. The last temple we visited today was #69, Kannon Temple. It was 4pm, & we didn`t really have time to visit any more temples, so we walked on the beach nearby for a while then found a hotel.

We didn`t have any major (= big) problems today. The weather was great. I saw a butterfly I`d never seen before. I managed to (= could) write a couple of postcards before bed. It was a good first day.

* click on the photo to enlarge

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Commented by birdy
Posted at 2013-11-03 16:19

The good weather is the one of the most important things to travel.
You had a lucky first day!

By the way,your photos editing skills is excellent!
How great!

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Teragoya Otto
Commented by Teragoya Otto
Posted at 2013-11-05 13:22

Yes - weather is important, especially for riding bicycles. We were lucky to have good weather every time we came to Shikoku.

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