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Acorn Coffee Recipe

Acorn Coffee Recipe
I found a video on Youtube about making acorn ( どんぐり) coffee. There are lots of acorns at my local shrine (神社) so I gathered some & tried it. This is the recipe I used:

1. First, take off the shells (殻)
2. Next, chop or grind the acorns
3. Then boil them in water
4. After that, throw away (捨てる) the brown water, which contains tannins.
5. Repeat #4 a few times, until the water is clear
6. Next, roast the acorns until they`re dark brown
7. Finally, add boiling water, wait a few minutes, and drink!

How was it? A little bitter, but okay. I`d like to make it again, but it`s kind of a hassle (面倒くさい).

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