本日訪問したあるお店のワーカーとは再開できた喜びをシェアしました。ある女性は両手を空高くかざしながらハレルヤを歌い、Praise The Lord ! と神様をほめたたえ出したのです。ダンスまでされていらっしゃいました。ほんとにこの3カ月間全く仕事ができないという負のストレスから解放されて仕事ができること、他者に仕えることができること、普段の生活ができることの喜びをお互いに分かち合ったのです。
Happy Birthday.
She has turned 50!
Just last year on this day, she graduated from graduate school and started her dream job as an elementary school teacher.
She was passionate about teaching her lovely children every day, but this corona virus disasters changed a lot.
She is teaching online to elementary school students every day, all day.
She said she is too busy making teaching materials and preparing for the classes and that it is a bigger burden than the regular classes.
This is a far cry from the reality of elementary and junior high schools in Japan, which have not yet gone online.
Japanese children spend more time playing IT-based games than any other children in the world, they say. So why don't they take the lead in reforming IT when it comes to educational institutions?
I feel deeply sorry for kids in Japan.
エレミヤ書 33章2~3節
I couldn't see the sun itself at sunset again today, but if I turned about 15 degrees to the south, I was able to see beautiful cloud reflected sunshine color.
If you shift your perspective, you can open up new developments.
I talked about PPP the other day, but the US Bank's application site is not easy to use, so I had to upload the materials to prove what I claimed, however I can't do it. When I was in trouble, some friends came up to me with suggestions for other financial institutions, and I had to look for another way to go. Thanks.
In the Taiga drama "The Kirin", there was a scene where Saito Douzan was killed by his son, Yoshitatsu at the side of the Nagara River.
Nobunaga rushed to the rescue, but he was too late, and Doran’s death ended in tragedy as his own son killed him.
Dōzan started his career from selling oil, but to be killed by his family, you can say, "How tragic of life in such a bad luck, I guess some people see his life and conclude that lifetime is meaningless.
But, What if we change our perspective?
There is a perspective called "Shiba Shikan" by Ryotaro Shiba, a national historical writer.
According to him, he takes a bold view that the present Japan was born from the Nobi Plain. Nobunaga, who is said to have liberated Japan from the Middle Ages, received much of his management of country and dreams to unify Japan from Dozan Saito. Because he learned this way from Dozan, then his life was also of great significance.
The value of a person is NOT based on how much he or she has accomplished, how much credit he or she has earned from others. It doesn't seem to be determined by the fact that how much others evaluate of you.
There is only one person who can assess its value, that is the One who is our Creator and Judge.
“This is what the LORD says, he who made the earth, the LORD who formed it and established it—the LORD is his name: ‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’
Jeremiah 33:2-3
創世記 1章27節
Today's sunset was stunning.
No two days are the same as each other, a form of nature.
This sunset is created by using all kinds of weather conditions such as temperature, humidity, wind speed and pressure and so on.
Bible told that I, as a human being, am also a creation of God.
There are various factors such as birth era, family environment, school, occupation, country, language, etc., which make me unique. We were created to be the best of the best.
We don't have to compare ourselves to others.
The beauty of the sunset is different according to people's evaluation, but they are all important moments for the creator as the end of the day.
"So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them."
Genesis 1:27
“Rain or no rain, wind or no wind.”
It's been raining all day today, shrouded in dark rain clouds.
It was as if the onset of the rainy season in Japan had extended to Seattle.
With the temperature dropping, I cancelled my evening jog and went to a covered park to do some barbie squats instead.
Three minutes of barbie squats followed by about two minutes of rest. Three sets of these. This is pretty tough. It's much easier to jog.
But if I don't keep up with this kind of cardio, I get depressed. I can't stay indoors just because it's raining.
My daughter's vegetable garden receives enough rain as a blessing from the heavens and the vegetables are growing well.
I thought it would be hard to see the sunset today.
I looked into outside through the window around 9 PM, I found a part of bright ski.
Fine day, windy day, and even rainy day, each one is a God-given day.
Essential shops like dealing with groceries etc. are still open in this coronation, but shops for furniture and sundries were closed.
Today, however, the store I went to for kitchenware was open.
I went to the Starbucks store in the mall, and it was still only accepting take-out orders.
I can't wait for them to reopen!
It's a shame that the shop was unoccupied when there are several tables that could easily be used as an office for me.
申命記 24章16節
Kai turned 17 years old today.
Kids are growing up so fast and as a parent, I always feel left behind because I can't keep up with them.
What he is feeling with his five senses, and the things he is judging and understanding of the world is quite different from what I am doing.
Even if we are father and son.
I feel like it took me more than ten years just to know that these differences existed.
The picture of him at his birthday party when he was little is from when he was 9 years old. I couldn’t recognize the fact at all then.
“Parents are not to be put to death for their children, nor children put to death for their parents; each will die for their own sin.” Due.24:16
出エジプト記 19章16~17節
About half an hour before sunset today, there was a thunderstorm, with thunder roaring, lightning flashing, and a small but significant raining.
I was just talking with a certain missionary who has a mastery of the Zuzu dialect at the time, so that sound reminded me the sky of this time of year in Japan.
The rainy season will soon begin in Japan in the next few days. I don't like long rains, but I loved the heavy rains and thunder that came with it. Just seeing the flashing, hearing to rumbling sound of the world, somehow these shakened my soul deeply.
The climate here in the Northwest United States is such a mild and away from the wild nature of such a heart felt thunderstorm.
I have been wishing that the roar of thunder would change this society totally, which is depressed by the corona disaster, with that wild thunderstorm.
As of today, the state governor has relaxed the stay-home directive from Phase 1 to 2. However, the King county that surrounds the Seattle area we are in is not officially Phase 2, but rather it’s "pseudo" so to speak, he says.
Therefore, restaurants, hairdressers, and other shops that allow customers into the store must observe a six-foot interval. And they can only allow 25% of the number of people they are allowed to accommodate.
Thus, little by little, the range of tolerance will expand, but it is so insistent that I can't breathe.
It's going to get me clogged up.
I wish they could release it all at once with a Big bang.
Come on, Heavy rain.
Come on, roaring thunder,
Come on, lightning.
"On the morning of the third day there was thunder and lightning, with a thick cloud over the mountain, and a very loud trumpet blast. Everyone in the camp trembled. Then Moses led the people out of the camp to meet with God, and they stood at the foot of the mountain. Exodus 19:16-17
Paycheck protection program)があります。
1ヵ月ほど前、それを申請するためにU.S. Bankに電話したところ、「もう資金が枯渇してありません」とのこと。大企業が既にその予算を食い尽してしまっているとの報道を聞いて怒り心頭でした。
本日になってある会計士との話し合いの中からUS BankがPPPを再度受け付けていると言う事と、いちど他の金融機関を通じて却下されても申請して受理される可能性があると聞き、本日早速申請手続きを行いました。
ヘブル人への手紙 13章6節
Today's sunset point is also covered in thick clouds, so you can't see the sun ring itself as it sinks into the Olympic Mountains.
However, over a wide area, we could see the made-colored sunset sky on the horizon.
I noticed that the made-colored sky continued almost to the true north. Unbeknownst to me, the sunset point had moved from true west to northwest.
For the past week or so, I've been left out of the sunset sky, but before I knew it, a major change was taking place as the point where the sun sets shifted without me realizing it.
The U.S. has a PPP as a relief measure for the people in the aftermath of the Corona disaster.(Paycheck protection program).
This is a loan to small and medium-sized businesses that are forced to take a leave of absence from work to provide salary to their employees.
They say that the government will loan 80% of the salary amount, but if it's actually being paid on a salary, that would be a benefit that is not obligated to be repaid.
About a month ago, I called U.S. Bank to apply for it, and they told me that the funds were no longer depleted. I was outraged when I heard reports that large corporations had already eaten up their budgets.
Later, at the Zoom seminar of the owners' association (a fellowship of Japanese business owners in the Seattle area), I learned that our government again presented a large budget for small business. And one of our member had applied PPP through PayPal, the money was deposited in his bank account in two days.
So I immediately applied for it through PayPal the next day.
A few days later, however, I received an email with the sad news that my application had been rejected.
I didn't understand why, but I was depressed and didn't have the energy to ask again.
Today, I had a discussion with an accountant and heard that US Bank is accepting PPPs again and that there is a possibility that the application will be accepted even if it is rejected through other financial institutions.
Today, the U.S. Congress passed an amendment that extends the guarantee period for PPPs from 8 weeks to 24 weeks and significantly eases the conditions for the benefits. All that remains is to wait for the President's signature to enforce the law.
When I heard my application was rejected, I was quite frozen and depressed, but before I knew it, there was a tectonic shift happening here too, wasn't there?
You should never give up on anything.
because God has said,
“Never will I leave you;
never will I forsake you.”
So we say with confidence,
“The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid.
What can mere mortals do to me?”
Hebrew 13:5-6
Portland Burnside Bridge
9 minutes of protestors laying face down
hands behind back
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