今日も一日、英語漬け!(English version)

Hello everyone!

This is Yoshio Sunamura, Professional Coach encouraging people who work in organizations or companies.

Today I attended the class in English on the second day about "Organizational Psychology" at NUCB business school.

NUCB business school is the one which I graduated from two years ago and I have obtained the maser degree as MBA at the school.

This school sometimes provides us with a special offer to allow us to attend the MBA class in English with very low fee. So, I decided to attend it.

The topic today was Organizational Psychology, especially on

- Gender Essentialism
- Motivation

What interested me most today was "motivation".

So, let me just share a youtube video by Daniel Pink about Motivation


Mr. Daniel Pink is the author of the book called "Drive"

Enjoy the following TED talk!

See you tomorrow!
Professional Coach

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